If you read this blog on a regular basis you may remember a post about a gallery in NY that spammed me saying they wanted me to take part in an exhibition all I had to do was send them X amount of dollars for a marketing package. Obviously not being born under a fucking tree I didn't fall for it and posted about it here in my own delicate way. Imagine my surprise when I received the below email earlier today..........
Mr. Page,
We have seen of your Manchester Photography blog, and we're writing to inform you that our information must be removed immediately!
You know nothing of the gallery business. What you have stated is your fantasy. It is rumor, it is slander, and if you do not remove it immediately, we will contact the server and initiate a lawsuit.
It is unfortunate that so many people are subject to the delusions and propaganda concerning the gallery business, vilifying the very people who are making a difference in the art world today. Do your homework rather than spewing lies. Do you claim to know how prominent gallery's are doing business? You are guessing; shame on you!
Cease and desist immediately, or we will take action against all involved parties.
A really really cool proper Gallery guv, honest would I lie to you? No son you put yer money away, on my muvver's life. Gallery, (obviously this last bit was added by me, just in case some fuck stupid Art world weasel thinks I'm just mis-quoting them)
You know nothing of the gallery business. What you have stated is your fantasy. It is rumor, it is slander, and if you do not remove it immediately, we will contact the server and initiate a lawsuit.
It is unfortunate that so many people are subject to the delusions and propaganda concerning the gallery business, vilifying the very people who are making a difference in the art world today. Do your homework rather than spewing lies. Do you claim to know how prominent gallery's are doing business? You are guessing; shame on you!
Cease and desist immediately, or we will take action against all involved parties.
A really really cool proper Gallery guv, honest would I lie to you? No son you put yer money away, on my muvver's life. Gallery, (obviously this last bit was added by me, just in case some fuck stupid Art world weasel thinks I'm just mis-quoting them)
What other people have to say about them . HERE oh yeah and HERE It was that "shame on you" bit that hurt the most.
So here's a notice to you. Keep sending me threatening emails and I'll keep posting them...........
" MANCHESTERPHOTOGRAPHY taking on scammers, bullies and Shylock's since 2007"
Mark, have you seen this?
Cheers our kid!
Dear Mr. Page- The reputation of the gallery in question is held in the highest esteem by anyone anywhere even slighly familiar with today's current art maket. Among it's most ardent advocates and supporters on an international level are several very high profile Nigerian curators and patrons of the arts. I can state that with confidence since they themselves have confirmed that they will support and champion my own artistic efforts in said gallery upon receipt of a nominal consultation fee. Clearly, you have no idea how today's modern international art market operates.
I strongly urge you, for your own sake, to reconsider your planned course of action...
next time you go home to NY will you smash his fucking windows?
I would Mark, honestly I would... I just can't chance hitting some of my own photos.
aaaahhhh I'll have a piece of this, money for nothing that's what they want and I'm right behind/beside/infront of ya Mark! It's almost up there with governments who know what we want better than we do. What about when they 'discover' someone with this process, do they refund the initial loot and not take so big a chunck from the eventual sales!
Twelve years I have been in this gallery business and believe me I have met some crooks. I have been threatened twice with lawsuits,lost large consignments in galleries that have gone bust, had work spat on and torn up in front of me. But nothing compares to these numpty toss bags.
If I sell a few more prints this month I will gladly take you with me to NY and together we will rue the day with these cheating bastards..
We could feed them to your dogs! Can we Marcus please can we please please........
I will start skipping their meals...
WTF...Cease and desist immediately...Sounds like ED-209! fuck em.
Fuck em mate, cheap lazy scamers.
Praying on the weak and vulnerable, and then trying to take the moral high ground when exposed.
This is not how galleries work, so fuck you and your gallery.
Keep fighting the good fight Mark
some people eh?
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