Friday, 30 November 2007


Today I am just tired. Will see you all tomoz...............................................

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Bilal Hussein

Bilal Hussein the Iraqi photojournalist held by US forces. Read more here: and sign the petition. The only positive side to this story, is that good photojournalism, still has the power to scare the shit out of them, and the Internet allows us to band together and stop them burying the story...................

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

A photo editor

This is a great blog. And since the demise of Alec Soth's blog, the one I read the most. Although I am pleased to say that the work of Colin Pantall was featured here first! &

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Place space, identity.

Image copyright lock & Henner

Yesterday, found out about an interesting "work in progress" blog from lock & Henner, working on a project down in Stoke.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Mark Kennedy

"So you want to be a ceramic star in Manchester" For me this is the problem with this town at the moment. Mark Kennedy, has become an important part of Manchester. We know his work on Afflecks, and the Gay trail etc, it's part of us. What's sad, is that some yuppie thinks that he can do the same, and that a load of dicks desperate to buy into the whole "MADCHESTER" shite are willing to fall for it, Knobs..........
or For the real deal.

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Tom Wood

Image copyright Tom Wood

I have noticed that photographers website status is a good indicator as to their fame and success as artists. A newbie photographer fresh out of college may start with a flickr site, moving on as time goes by to maybe a template site, until they can have a made to measure flash site built. The big boys have no site at all, relying on galleries to do such mundane things such as promotion. So it is with great pleasure that I can announce that the Great Tom Wood has no website! Well done photie man.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Mitra tabrizian

Image copyright Mitre Tabrizian

Mitre Tabrizian makes very interesting use of portraiture:

Engels Talk at Urbis

No you're right Engels is dead, but this looks worth a visit, and it's free and what else is there to do on a Wednesday, and Heroes isn't as good as everyone is saying, in fact it's a little bit shit and..........

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Chris Leah

Image copyright Chris Leah

Most of the work on "Shot up North" is very commercial. I did, amongst it all though, find the personal work of Chris Leah, which I like a lot.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Micky D, The salford street poet..........

Take a look at this, pure genius:

Spent the afternoon at Salford museum & Art gallery checking out the David Dunnico exhibition "Memento Mori": some fantastic prints, fascinating facts, some great Victorian Gothic, Oh and a Bakelite coffin I kid you not! There's some very atmospheric and scary music, which David has also created for the show. I'm not normally a big fan of manipulated photography but these images are well executed (sorry, bad choice of word!) Anyway just go look!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Edmund Kevill-Davies

Image copyright Edmund Kevill-Davies

Edmund Kevill-Davies pictures of ventriloquist's dummies and their adopted families, are I think, full of camp horror, and I think there is something very "English" about them.

Monday, 19 November 2007

Talk by John Angerson

John Angerson: In Sheffield's City Hall, the faithful feel the power of Jesus through the laying on of hands.
Artist Talk: John AngersonWednesday 21 Nov, 6pmOpen Eye Gallery28-32 Wood StreetLiverpool L1 4AQTelephone: +44 (0)151 709 9460

Photographer John Angerson introduces Love, Power and Sacrifice, an extraordinary b&w documentary portrait, 20 years in the making, of the Jesus Army. Angerson is currently promoting his book of the project, which is published by Dewi Lewis Publishing. Free event see

Saturday, 17 November 2007


Images copyright Mark Page

I always find this one of the hardest bits of doing a project, the editing. Starting a project is like starting a game of darts, you start by throwing them anywhere and as the turns go on you have to try harder to hit the numbers you need........ That's hard enough but the editing, that's the fucking tricky bit! This is a great post from David Alan Harvey who puts it so much more eloquently than yours truly. Above are two pictures which I am trying to decide between.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Mike Peters

Image copyright Mike Peters
Really like Mike Peters work, although his website is a bit of a Bastard!

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Portfolio magazine

The latest edition of Portfolio is now out (available at The Cornerhouse) and features new work by Manchester's very own Dinu Li

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

100 posts!

A century! 100 posts. This is a bit of a land mark for the blog. However I'm not going to waste my one hundredth post talking about my one hundredth post! I am going to use it to show you this: from Alex Majoli and Magnum in Motion. I have for a long time been intrigued by films that are made from "Stills" It shouldn't really work, but some how it does. Why I'm not sure, perhaps it's because it gives the viewer time to use their own imagination, perhaps it's because as the journalist John Snow says "we remember things as still images" What ever the reason, for me at least there's something powerful about this type of work.

Glynis Shaw

Image copyright Glynis Shaw
I quite like Glynis Shaw's photography, especially "RHYL"

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Gemma Parker

Image copyright Gemma Parker

Today I bring some good old fashioned glamour into your lives, in the form of fantastically talented, Manchester based painter Gemma Parker. Go to "oh la la"

The Spider awards

If black & white is your thing you may be interested in entering this:

Monday, 12 November 2007

Lydia Unsworth

Image copyright Lydia Unsworth

I received from Lydia, a link to a great initiative from Salford University and of course Some interesting work from Lydia.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Steven Katzman

Image copyright Steven Katzman

This series "The face of forgiveness" is a great bit of traditional photojournalism, from Steven Katzman, Go have a look at but be Warned when looking at the "Cremation" work and some of his other work, as death features quite heavily!

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Friday, 9 November 2007

Rob Whittaker

Image copyright Rob Whittaker

I quite like Rob Whittaker's work especially "England's dreaming"

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Sneaky Preview.

All images copyright John Darwell
Above is a sneak preview of one of John Darwell's latest projects. He explains,
"ACENW have just awarded me a production award to photograph discarded dog shit bags for a major London show next year so if anyone knows locations where these tend to be found, I would be grateful if they could let me know, as I've just about exhausted Carlisle's parks and surrounding locations." To keep up to date with and the rest of John's work go to:

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Yannick Dixon

Image copyright Yannick Dixon

This is why I do this. I call for submissions, I wait, I receive them in big wods, loads at a time. I spend a couple of days going through them. I get excited going to the links, (not myspace or fliker, life's to short and I reckon if a photographer doesn't think their own work is worth a website why should I put it here? tough lesson to some of you students, but come on you can get a website for the price of a night on the piss.) It's great when I see some good photography I've not seen before. Which brings me neatly to Yannick Dixon, Scratching away at Blackpool to get under the surface.

shrinking world

I have never minded plugging local exhibitions. I was asked via Email to post this on the blog, and so in the spirit of the "global village" please note...........

The 13th China International Exhibition
for Building Materials, Building System, Construction Machinery & Architecture
Date: March.26 - 29, 2008
Venue: Beijing Exhibition Center(35,000m2)

Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China
China Building Materials League
CCPIT, Building Materials Sub-Council
China National Building Materials Exhibition & Trade Center

u Authority.
The exhibition is strong supported by the Ministry of Construction of the PRC and the China Building Material Industry Association (CBMIA). The CBMIA is a nation-wide confederation that represents companies, organizations and individuals in Chinese building materials industries. The major tasks of CBMIA include: to promote international exchange and cooperation, and to provide assistance to the government for healthy development of the industries etc.
u Professionalism.
After 12 years development since 1995, the exhibition has developed into the most influential, prestigious and highly-internationalized comprehensive exhibition for building materials in the north China every year.
u Internationalization.
In 2007, More than 400 companies and 57,076 visitors from different counties and areas has participated the grand exhibition, such as the France, U.S.A, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Finland and Hong Kong etc.
u Specialization.
The exhibition is divided into several subjects arranged in different exhibition areas, such as Sanitary Ware, Doors, Windows, new building materials and paint etc.

Exhibition List:
u Ceramics & Stone Products
u Gardening & Landscape Products
u Doors, Windows & Hardware
u Chemical Building Materials
u Stairs and Related Components
u Roof & Sunshield System
u Interior & Exterior Decoration Materials
u Kitchen & Sanitary Ware
u Flooring Materials
u Intelligent Building Systems

Concurrent Activities:

u Promotion of New Materials, New Products, New Technologies
u International Building Materials Buyers’ Union

Thanks for your interest in China Building2008. We warmly welcome you to China and visit China Building2008 Exhibition.

Yongsheng Guo
CCPIT,Building Materials Sub-council Tel:86-10-88365651

Tuesday, 6 November 2007


No doubt some of you reading this are doing so because of the "Arts News Jobs" So hello and welcome to Manchester photography! Take a look around and if you want to see your work here then send us a link to your website, please NO myspace/facebook, though blogs are fine. Whats the catch? Nowt, we just love looking at great photography and Art and showing it to the world! submit at:

Salford star

Image copyright Salford Star

In amongst the "Fap & Piss" that is most of the new magazines to be found in the Manchester (and no doubt other Northern Cities) area, there has for the last 12 months or so been a ray of light, a "teller of truth" The Salford Star...........

The Cumbrian connection

For photographers, and Visual artists lucky enough to live in the beautiful lakes this may be of some interest to you. The Cumbrian Network supports visual artists through information sharing and networking. Contact details as follows: The Cumbria Network Cracow Newby Penrith Cumbria CA10 3EX +44 (0)1931 714070

Monday, 5 November 2007

Joseph Tripi

Image copyright Joseph Tripi

For me there's a touch of "Twin Peaks" in Joseph Tripi's work, He explains his "ALL AMERICA CITY" series here:

"The All America City award is given annually to communities that show merit, growth, togetherness and pride. American commonality- in all its glory, irony and splendor. Buffalo and the Western New York region, my birthplace and true home, have earned this title twice in the past 20 years. The award isn't as much as an affirmation as it is a reminder of values. A reinforcement of memory- of home. Buffalo lies elsewhere, not as a destination but as a frame of mind. Beyond any place." Joseph Tripi

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Tom Judd

Image copyright Tom Judd

Today the work of a very talented illustrator / animator, Tom Judd. Tom studied for his first degree at Manchester Met, and is now working towards his Master's in animation at the Royal College of Art. I first saw his work as part of a new show at Urbis ( called Catapult. So go there to see Tom's work. It can also be seen at:

Friday, 2 November 2007

Amy Stein

Image copyright Amy Stein

OK so I'm a couple of days late, and anyway there's much more to Amy Stein's work than the "Halloween in Harlem" series. See it at:

Thursday, 1 November 2007


Where does the journalist stop and the documentary photographer begin? Read more here:

New MA course for North-West.

Received this bit of news from John Darwell.

At The University of Cumbria we are starting an MA in Photography, in January and thought it might of interest to your readers as places are still available subject to interview and project proposal.(Plus inevitable fees).
Info available c/o Mike England, Programme Leader in Photography, University of Cumbria

Clear up!

On the 22nd of October's post I implied that Paul Seawright taught at Newport. He is now in fact, a research professor at Ulster University.