I'm thinking NHS.
It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Friday, 30 January 2009
Big Brick Man?

Michael Donald.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Photography Talks Liverpool.
Join Open Eye Gallery and the National Conservation Centre in exploring the work of two of the twentieth century's most celebrated photographers. Complementing the current exhibitions David Goldblatt, Intersections Intersected (Open Eye Gallery) and Recollections, Philip Jones Griffiths (National Conservation Centre) this day of free gallery talks highlights the evolution of contemporary documentary practice through the work of two highly influential photographers.
Join Dr Julian Stallabrass (Courtauld Institute of Art) as he discusses the role of Philip Jones Griffiths in the history of photography and his impact upon the globalised contemporary art world.www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/conservation
Professor Tamar Garb (University College London) will talk about David Goldblatt's photographic exploration of life in South Africa before and after the collapse of apartheid in 1990.Read more about the exhibition>
Damion Berger
Damion Berger's series is bucking current photography trends on two counts. Firstly his decision to use black & white, he explains,
" My decision to photograph in black & white was a central choice. Without the immediacy of colour and the blue hue of the water to provide context, one's recognition that these pictures are taken underwater isn't immediate. It promotes a somewhat abstract sense of place which in turn serves to strengthen the feeling of suspension and movement that permeates through the series."
And that sense of movement is trend buck #2. Teenagers having fun and not standing posed with morose expressions, all too rare and oh so welcome. http://www.damionberger.com/
Monday, 26 January 2009
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Gorton Monastery and the valuable lessons I learnt there.

Work at the Monastery continued at a fairly steady pace, I photographed where I could as there was a lot of the site I was not allowed to access. I fell into a routine of going around once a month. This looking back was not really enough but hey I was doing this for nothing! I was also shooting 6x6 at the time, colour neg film shot with a combination of a Minolta Autocord and an old Rolli.

- Never undertake a long term project unless you really believe in it.
- Never undertake a long term project unless you are willing to do it for free.
- It's unlikely that you'll ever make money as a documentary photographer.
- People think that if they let you photograph something they are doing you a favour.
- Art's Officer's are a waste of skin.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Funny As Fuck Fridays!
How near to the knuckle can you get with comedy? This close, the brilliant Frankie Boyle.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Elijah Gowin
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Monday, 19 January 2009
Robbie Cooper.
I used to own a playstation, a PS2 I think it was. I'd convinced myself at the time that one of the main reasons I was getting it was to use the DVD player feature. I was soon to get sucked into it's lair. It was a time when I had given up on photography, worked in a pub and smoked way too much weed. Driving games where my poison, I'd sit up till 4am watching my imaginary car going round and round. Then one day I snapped out of it, I took the thing, complete with the games down to Cash Generator and picked up a camera again.
Well that's my little cautionary tale over.
The phenomena of computer games doesn't seem to be loosing any strength, they are now as much part of mainstream western culture as film, and as such many photographers/artists have rushed off to make work about the subject. Nothing wrong with that they should, It's a very contemporary subject that should be explored fully. So what I'm saying is I've seen the "Gamer" photographed many times, and no doubt even a I speak (write) someone somewhere will be scribbling a message to self in a note book "Do series on gamers".
Well by all means go for it, perhaps as photographers we are getting a little too concerned with never repeating ourselves, always feeling like we have to come up with something new. Perhaps sometimes though you can repeat, and just do it, well really really well. Perhaps setting the bar that will be the measure of all photography about Gamers.
I think Robbie Cooper's "Immersion" is going to take some beating though...........
See the brilliant little film above and here for his website www.robbiecooper.org
Sunday, 18 January 2009
You know there's a lot of shit out there in the big wide world, and perhaps I'm from a generation that still naively thinks Rock n Roll can change the world, or perhaps I'm just shallow, but I've seen little that depresses me more than Iggy Pop selling fucking Car Insurance............
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Funny As F##k Friday
I thought I'd bring back Funny As F##k Friday. So here you go first off this vid which I'm sure you'll admit is piss funny. Apparently Mr P Diddy's mum is in the video! Can you imagine that conversation? Mam, Mam will you be in my video? Yes our Sean but have I really gotta sing "like I'm grinding fer tips" for fucks sake I'm yer Mam it's just weird Sean.......
And whats also been funny today has been NY's Art Photography elite tearing chunks out of each other. Here: http://groups.google.com/group/conscientious/browse_thread/thread/f620c32749e5e3dc?hl=en
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Anastasia Taylor-Lind
I was on a tram this morning at 6:30am and there in the first carrage was a fella talking shit and drinking "white lightning". This to most people in our great nation is what would probably come to mind if you said Cidermen. However in small pockets of the country, I think maybe in the woods or somewhere like that, you get these men who dress like it's 1880 and make their own cider or zider I bet they call it, still. Why don't they just go "up the spar" like everyone else ? I hear you ask. Because it's traditional you plebs, that's why.
I'm glad people still do stuff like that. And it's nice that photographers like Anastasia Taylor-Lind are recording this for prosperity. Nice little sideshow presentation with interviews with The Cidermen here: http://www.foto8.com/home/content/view/760/136/
Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Noorderlicht 09

Received today
"16th Noorderlicht International Photofestival 2009 – Submissions welcome Photographers and curators from all over the world are welcome to send in their work and proposals to participatein the Noorderlicht International Photofestival 2009 (6 September through 4 October).To learn more about the theme of the festival and how to submit, please visit our homepage: http://www.noorderlicht.com."
Monday, 12 January 2009
BuRN Baby BuRN.
Magnum photographer David Alan Harvey has had a blog for a couple of years. Called "Road Trip"http://davidalanharvey.typepad.com/road_trip/ I loved reading it. It would focus on the travels of Mr Harvey and was beautifully seasoned with little words of wisdom on photography and life.
As the months went by the comments section grew into quite a community and Harvey being the generous soul that he is, would organise get together's and portfolio reviews as well as open invitations for folks passing through NY to look him up!
In the last twelve months or so, he has also started an "emerging artists" fund, part financed out of his own pocket, is there no end to this mans generosity!
Anyway things have moved on and he's still as keen as ever to encourage the next generation of photographers, and has now introduced "Burn" http://www.burnmagazine.org/ There's stacks to see here from new photographs each day, photo essays, articles the "emerging artist" fund along with words of wisdom and encouragement from this top draw photographer.
I wish him and Burn all the best, It's nice when one of the good guy's has a chance to influence things a little bit.
Nice One!

Sunday, 11 January 2009
New Cliches Of Photography #3

Saturday, 10 January 2009
Christoph Bangert @ The New Artland Gallery.
Manchester has a new gallery. Well I say new, new to me anyway. It actually opened in October 08 but has only just made it onto my radar, well I never claimed to be a news hound. OK so this is good, especially as they are showing photography and that's much needed as we seem to be one of the only cities in the western hemisphere without a dedicated photography gallery. I mean a gallery that shows real photography not a load of secondhand Athena style posters shot by some has been model, you know the place I mean. (RG)
It's a brave show this, controversial (see last post) It may ruffle a few feathers, but that's no bad thing, so hats off to this Small independent space. This show their second, features work by New York based photojournalist Chistoph Bangert http://www.christophbangert.com/ and regardless of your views on the relevance of the mediums ability to show us anything new in modern conflict and the morals behind it, this guy can take a powerful picture.
He is also due to do a talk at The Midland Hotel on 29th January 7pm so you will have a chance to grill him over his motivations as only a Manc audience can and should. Tickets need to be booked in advance at £3 (going to relevant charities) from the gallery http://www.artlandgallery.co.uk/
I'm pretty excited, about this whole new space and I expect you all to give it your support................... lets hear it for Artland.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Unconcerned But Not Indifferent
Interesting article over on http://www.foto8.com/home/content/view/377/216/ by Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin about The World Press Photo Award. I think it's of special interest as Broomberg & Chanarin where both jury members. It again examines the purpose photojournalism in the modern world. The comments section at the end is also worth a read!
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Wolstenholme Project.
The space, in the centre of Liverpool, was renovated in time for the 2006 Liverpool Biennial. Between September and November the venue was host to three exhibitions, involving a total of over 60 artists. The exhibitions, dedicated to showcasing emerging artists, received good audiences and a very positive critical response. Since then we have been focusing on bringing artist groups into the building to develop their projects and share ideas"

I love Muge's pictures. He must of battled amongst the herds of western photographers busy trying to portray his country to get these shots. If I want to learn a bit about China through photography then the best way to do that has got to be through the eyes of a talented Chinese photographer. http://www.mugephoto.cn/
Monday, 5 January 2009
The Antiques Rogue Show
Sarah Pickering.
Interesting that a young photographer like Sarah Pickering http://www.sarahpickering.co.uk/ who is more known for her colour work has chosen to shoot her latest series "Incident" in mono. Of course because of the subject it makes complete sense, what would be the point of using colour film to shoot a smoke blackened room? Black & White shows off the smudges that have been left by human activity so well. I love the fact that she has made this oh so unfashionable choice for the sake of her work. I may just add that the above image as scene online, in no way represents the quality of the photographs. I've not been lucky enough to see them in the flesh but even in the magazine Photoworks the quality of the prints is hinted at. http://www.photoworksuk.org/
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Olivier Pin-fat

First off I've got to thank local boy, (via Argentina) and great photographer Seba Kurtis www.sebakurtis.com for putting me on to this guy, so thanks Seba.
Olivier Pin-fat born Norfolk now resides in Asia and making some exciting raw images. A well known blogger recently said he would like to see more Black & White photography that doesn't look like it was made in 1975, Well I think this stuffs pretty fresh so here you go!http://www.olivierpin-fat.com/