You got 5 days left to get your arses down to The Photographers Gallery to see FRESHfaced & WILDeyed 09 the recent (MA) graduates show. HERE for the online gallery.
It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Issue 7 Of Fraction web mag is out with a blinding group show, "The Un-Natural Nature of Food". I'd have let them look at my ever increasing collection of takeaway menu's if they'd asked nicely.......
I was going to be all aloof and not mention MJ. Then I noticed that most of the cool kid photo bloggers are too cool to mention him so being an awkward bastard and him being well, MJ I thought fuck it I will, then I remembered I don't really have that many connections with him other than when was a kid and Pippa my rabbit got strangled one night and my mum found her and then I heard this song and projected my grief onto it. That's it. That's my MJ story. I wish my life was more glam and I had anecdotes like this........
P.S Is it me or does he look a little bit like Lilly Allen? No wonder he had fucking plastic surgery........ It's got to be said though that listening to him sing as a youngster well he could, really sing.
This shite is lottery funded & Trafford Council funded........ Middle class whites, you gotta love em.
So post three and the last on this. Ben Graville has left a comment on his work and Kudos to him for that. He Say's,
"There seems to be an idea that there could be financial or career gain from in and out the old bailey. this is not the case. not a penny has come from the work and wouldn't. If there ever was any money it would be heading straight to m.o.j.o. miscarriages of justice organisation set up by paddy hill and john mcmanus who are dedicated to assisting innocent people both in prison and after their release. During my time working the courts I covered all the criminal appeals at the high court London. I would see and meet paddy hill who would appear at all the appeals where I covered ( to name a few ) sally clark, robert brown, gary mills and tony poole." Ben Graville
I'll leave Ben to have the last word it seems only fair. Should anybody want to continue the debate please feel free to use the comments section here.
Now let's all chill with Porridge..................
PS.Lets continue to bear in mind the lack of support upon return, the shoddy living conditions, the lack of battle equipment and the expenses of the MP's who continue to send them to war.................