It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Ari Marcopoulos

This spring Foam_Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam presents an exhibition by the Amsterdam-born photographer and filmmaker, Ari Marcopoulos. Marcopoulos (b. 1957, Amsterdam) set off for New York in 1979 and quickly became a significant documenter of alternative youth culture in America throughout the last three decades. Foam is showing work from his entire oeuvre, ranging from photos of the emerging hip-hop and downtown art scene in New York in the 1980s and the snowboard and skate culture in the 1990s, to frequent depictions of his own family in Northern California over the last ten years. KEEP READING.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Kersal Massive.
I saw this and I had to bring back Funny as Fuck Fridays. Kersal is just down the road from me and where I'm currently making work. I saw this and I swear down I laughed so much a little bit of wee came out. Then I felt a bit guilty. All Dickensian, "bless them little urchins" I thought they've made a film and at least had enough about them to upload it on YOUTUBE.
Then I thought no fuck um, any little toe-rag can use a phone camera and YOUTUBE, and anyway give them a couple of years and they'll rob your car. Cynical, judgemental, What me?
"I'm there wiff me day save-orrr"
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Philippe Spigolon

The Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2010
We know of course (Come on Anna!) the four nominated (come on Anna!) photographers up for this years The Deutsche Börse Photography Prize (come on Anna!) Here's an introduction by The Photographers Gallery's Stefanie Braun. (Come on Anna!) Did I mention I'm Shouting for Anna Fox.
Video found HERE.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010

The Elsewhereness online weekly magazine is an outgrowth of the "Elsewhere" social community network project - a grassroots movement and independent community dedicated to fine art and social visualization driven by a Middle East-based team of photojournalists and visual artists. Both projects are completely volunteer-based.
The Elsewhere social network offers an educational framework in the field of visual literacy. The network's vision is to develop, with the cooperation of galleries, museums and alternative spaces, a series of workshops with an emphasis on local Middle East projects. By using its website as a platform for featuring portfolios and its weekly online magazine, the network establishes a common international space enabling dialogue among Palestinians, Israelis and others.
The Elsewhereness is a unique project aimed at motivating positive social processes and creating a common ground for Palestinians and Israelis who live in a reality where mobility and the ability to meet face-to-face is restricted; a reality which denies communication (physically by fences and isolation, and socially by public (mis)conceptions). The magazine presents artists work and articles, and is the only one in the region dealing with social issues through visual art.
Hans Peter Jost.

Hans Peter Jost's project 'COTTON WORLDWIDE' deals with cotton production well, worldwide. Manchester the once greatest cotton city on the planet no longer figures although much of the old original infrastructure remains. Perhaps he should take a trip here to put his project in an historical context, he's been to India, China etc so compared to them Manchester's just around the corner from his base in Italy. More details below from photography-now.com.
Cotton is grown on every continent, in a broad range of environmental conditions and under widely disparate conditions of production. It is an important raw material for a highly varied and profitable value creation chain, and it is traded on commodities markets throughout the world. Cotton is at the center of the dispute surrounding agricultural subsidies, and it is an important tool in development aid. International chemical companies have just as much interest in it as do the advocates of ecological farming, since it consumes more water, fertilizer, and pesticides than any other crop.
Cotton was already traveling around the world from producer to consumer in colonial times; all that has changed today is the routes it follows. Thus in one common scenario, cotton fibers from Texas are sent to China to be processed, then wend their way to the fashion runways of Paris, and finally travel as old clothes to Africa, where they are worn as secondhand fashion.
Hans Peter Jost has created a photographic portrait of cotton on his trips to India, China, Brazil, America, Uzbekistan, Mali, and Tanzania, documenting the lives and working conditions of cotton farmers and the cultivation, harvesting, processing, and marketing of cotton.
Christina Kleineidam, who accompanied the photographer on his travels, describes what they saw and offers background information on the specific problems of the individual countries. The economist Pietra Rivoli explains the global realities of the cultivation and marketing of cotton in her foreword.
I forget how good, good Hiphop can be.......
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Reality TV

Monday, 15 February 2010
What Is England ?

Sunday, 14 February 2010
Oscar Fernando Gómez:TAXI

The day I took this photo (the first photograph in the slideshow, ed.) I set out to make a photo album to show to my baby girl one day. If I wouldn’t have any money I would simply leave her the history of my life. I used to take landscape photos during my days off. But my wife was pregnant and I knew it would be a girl. She died the day after she was born. It was a Saturday, November 25 of 2006.." READ ON & SEE MORE HERE.

Portfolio Magazine @ 50
Just got the latest edition of PORTFOLIO MAGAZINE. It's celebrating it's 50th edition. It's a survey of (in their opinion) the top 50 photographers currently working in the UK. I think on the whole it's a pretty fair assessment. There is the usual suspects, a couple of people who I think are missing and a couple that......well they must be well connected is all I can say.
On the whole worth buying. A good stock take of British photography at the end of the decade. Magma on Oldham street, Manchester had a couple of copies left or you can buy it from the PORTFOLIO site.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
From The Foto8 blog
"At a recent editorial meeting, the Foto8 team and I shared a common frustration, that is also a professional conundrum, about some of the most celebrated photography from the past year or so, including work we’ve featured in 8 magazine. We’re talking about well-received documentary work by established photographers on significant subjects. What we find incongruous is that we are unsure of the basic moral position of the author in relation to the socially significant subject matter." Keep reading HERE this Interesting and timely post.
Similar-ish Shit Different Century.

I ride past these Gasometers on my bike twice a day as I make my way to and from work, as blokes have no doubt done for the last hundred years or so. I may wear a plastic helmet instead of a flat cap but I bet like many of those working men I set off this morning with a job and returned tonight without one. As I looked up at them Gas towers I felt a connection to those fellas on them old bikes.......
Fucking hell cheer up I got redundancy money. I bet all they got was an old pie or a mouldy clog or something...
Friday, 12 February 2010
Photography Is Easy, Photography is Difficult by Paul Graham.
"It’s so easy it's ridiculous. It’s so easy that I can’t even begin – I just don’t know where to start. After all, it’s just looking at things. We all do that. It’s simply a way of recording what you see – point the camera at it, and press a button. How hard is that? And what's more, in this digital age, its free - doesn't even cost you the price of film. It’s so simple and basic, it's ridiculous".
Continue reading Photography Is Easy, Photography Is Difficult, HERE
and then when you've read that continue to read Harvey's blog HERE A lot more interesting than many a blog as he spends his weekends with people like Paul Graham and Rineke Dijkstra. HERE & HERE
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Matthew Comer Exhibition.
Justin Partyka (again)
Not the first time that I've mentioned Justin Partyka's THE EAST ANGLIANS work. I've been following it for years now. It's an ongoing long term committed project. It's heading towards the kind of important piece of social documentary work, that although different in execution, could prove as least as important as say the work of Tom Wood. I also like his trend bucking use of 35mm film camera's, it adds an intimacy and spontaneity that is often missing in contemporary large format documentary work.
Here above is a nice little off shoot of that project.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Cruel Town.........

A body can lie in this centre of a city undiscovered for perhaps 50 years............

Monday, 8 February 2010

An Introduction....... The Photograph As Contemporary Art.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
We're The Taliban And We're All Gay.

It's no wonder The Taliban hate dancing and music and are mean to women. It's repressed homosexuality. They need to come out of the closest and be proud. Maybe the British Government could pay for a night out on Canal Street maybe they could do a bit of Karaoke in Churchills on a Sunday night.
These strange photo's were collected by Magnums Thomas Dworzak from Afghanistan portrait studio's. He explains HERE.
This is an interesting, different take on photojournalism. Not the usual method granted but he has fulfilled the role in as much as he has showed me something that before I was unaware of. In this case that The Taliban are all 'friends of Dorothy'.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Proper Photo Blogs & 90s Boy Bands all in One Post!
And second up 'STREET LEVEL' by Aonghais Macinnes which takes you around the backstreets and off the beatern track of NYC.
Colour Documentary Work? England? 1965? Bloody Nora! The Work of John Bulmer.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Don McCullin @ IWM North
"I became a war junkie, I have a lot to be accountable for really" Say's McCullin at the end of the above film. A photojournalist with over 50 years of experience who as far as I know is not nor ever has been offering classes (see last post). See his show the largest and most comprehensive to date entitled 'Shaped by War' at IWM North from the 6th February.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Zoriah I'm Glad I'm Not you........

"I have decided to offer a special small group workshop in Haiti focused on photographing the aftermath of the earthquake. Subjects covered will be working in disaster zones and other difficult and dangerous situations, survival and logistics in difficult environments, photograph people, working with NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) and aid organizations, editing and digital darkroom technique and marketing and making your stories available for the world to see.
In addition to working together as a small group, each student will receive one full day of one-on-one training in the field with me. This will allow each student to have their personal needs met and get one-on-one instruction in addition to that of the group activities.
This workshop is open to a maximum of four students. Cost is $4000 USD for seven days and students will be required to pay their own expenses." Writes Zoriah HERE. 4/2/10 Zoriah lost his bottle or found his conscience and took down the post. MP
Along the same lines:
Sunday you can put "yer two penneth worth" in on a BAG NEWS NOTES. As to how Haiti has been represented by photographers so far. Photojournalism as an Art (and I'm not sure that it is) has always been a little bit brash, a little bit gungho, a little bit shock & awe. Great for the Sunday papers, the Picture Post even the coffee table book, but it seems to me to be stuck in some strange no-mans land between the instant (relative) objectivity of TV crews and the subjective slower more considered Documentary/Art photography. If it's remit is to inform and show us things a new and after 50 or 60 years it continues to rehash the same cliched images of suffering what's the point? You would be better off staying at home and photographing Jordon's tits, that's beginning to seem more honourable. It seems now certainly with Haiti and perhaps before, that it's becoming more about paid education, like some sick self perpetuating pointless ultimate photo holiday. It has as much relevance for the modern world as the blood thirsty etching's in a Victorian tabloid.
Thank fuck for Simon Norfolk, Broomberg and Chanarin, and the like is all I can say, at least they are using the stills camera to produce something more than disaster/war porn.
Thanks to the eagle eyes of Stan & Pete.Tuesday, 2 February 2010
WWW dot........................
Monday, 1 February 2010
Clement Cooper @ NEW ART EXCHANGE.

"Young African Caribbean men have often been portrayed as low achievers and perpetrators of crime in British society. But now, with Barack Obama winning the presidency of the biggest superpower in the world, will we see these same young men portrayed in a different light; as a source of huge potential for the future? Will the achievement of black youth in Britain over the last 40 years be recognised and honoured?" CONTD
New Cliches Of Photography #19