It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Friday, 29 February 2008
What, what..
I find it absolutely unbelievable and also a little worrying considering their important role and complete naivety. The MOD seem genuinely shocked that a "gentleman's agreement" between them and the UK trad press doesn't work in cyberspace! here: And here for the so called Bad Guys boo boo
Ric Bower

Besides being shortlisted for The National Portrait Galleries Photography prize, with "Jan Keyleigh & Kizzie" Ric also has this very interesting road trip entitled "As walked Out", at his website

I love photography about journey's and find this work a really interesting and original idea. Go see here:
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Tseng Kwong Chi

For photographs about how little The West understands The East, and further to my recent post "For Example" photography from China by Tseng Kwong Chi here:
Going Going Gone
From polar bears to the Bomb: historic Getty picture archive is sold for $2.4bn more here:
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Life Imitates Art!
I think that Channel M
must have seen the work of my old mate Johnathan Gitelson takes a moment to open but worth it!
must have seen the work of my old mate Johnathan Gitelson takes a moment to open but worth it!
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
For example

There is a lot of good photography in The North-West, Often of a quality that could hold it's own anywhere. Intelligent work, quiet unassuming work, pictures working as a group, with narrative, which is what I'm interested in seeing. I get tied of seeing China, and other far flung places photographed by photographers who can never show me anything I've not seen before, leave that to Chinese photographer's! because after a couple of weeks in a place what have you got to say? It's far braver to make the often not photographed, "right under your noses" places your subject. This stuff gets my eyes looking, my brain ticking, It needs to be savoured, returned to, thought about.
I have already featured the work of Julian McKenny this month, later I found out about his website which features his more recent/work in progress so again I give you Julian McKenny.
Monday, 25 February 2008

That is for the future, at the moment I'm just happy having my own work in a book. Out of all of the companies offering the service I picked as I had heard alright things about them, and it must be said that their live chat service was very helpful. I am now not only a struggling photographer but also a struggling author! should you wish to help me out "Going To Town" by Mark Page can be purchased here:
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Taryn Simon

White Tiger (Kenny), Selective InbreedingTurpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge and FoundationEureka Springs, Arkansas
"In the United States, all living white tigers are the result of selective inbreeding to artificially create the genetic conditions that lead to white fur, ice-blue eyes and a pink nose. Kenny was born to a breeder in Bentonville, Arkansas on February 3, 1999. As a result of inbreeding, Kenny is mentally retarded and has significant physical limitations. Due to his deep-set nose, he has difficulty breathing and closing his jaw, his teeth are severely malformed and he limps from abnormal bone structure in his forearms. The three other tigers in Kenny’s litter are not considered to be quality white tigers as they are yellow coated, cross-eyed, and knock-kneed."
The above statement is from Simon's website. I have included it here as the text is important in Simon's work, and is reproduced along with the image.
Friday, 22 February 2008
Over here photie man!

Have just taken delivery of a shiny new copy of Tom Woods brilliant "Photie man", published by legendary book printers Steidl. It's everything I was expecting by one of the TRUE greats of British photography. Go buy, it's a classic. And whats more is it was all shot in The North West.........
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Tony Wilson remembered
So that's it? A bit of a party and a big fucking tent?
Julian McKenny
Found and spent a great time viewing the work of Manchester based photographer Julian McKenny. Lots of great work here:
Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Have you seen this man?

London police are after him for punching a street photographer! In the words of Hill Street Blues "Remember lets be careful out there". Here for story:
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
I'm a celebrity, cut off my head and piss in my neck........
Ok so perhaps a little harsh, but anyone who knows me knows my feelings on "stars" and photographing the famous. So I found this an interesting read :
Monday, 18 February 2008
Tim Hetherington
Liverpool born photographer Tim Hetherington has won the coveted World Press Award 2007, for his series "Battle Company, Afghanistan" Here for more details on The award a and here to see more of Tim's work here
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Travis Ruse

Found this interesting article about Travis Ruse's photoblog. Not sure it would work as well on the tram! or perhaps it would?
Wayne Lawrence

Some really strong portraiture from Wayne Lawrence. Originally from St Kits now living in NY.
At last I have done something I've been meaning to do for a while, I've created a separate UK photographers link section.
Friday, 15 February 2008
I have been aware of Amber for a while and then forget and then find them all over again. I think top what a great idea. I love what you are doing, and one day may the North-West replicate................................
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Farewell my funtime friend.........

Polaroid that pre digital friend of Readers Wives fame is to soon stop production of it's instant film, more here:
Reiner Riedler

Big fan of Reiner Riedler's "Artificial Holidays" project found thanks to seesaw
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Going To Town

I have been working on a project called "Going to Town" since July of last year. I have uploaded it to my website today, see it here: Details on my website, but to cut a long story short I have photographed every route into Manchester city centre, including roads, canals, rail etc.
It has been about the journey as much as anything, about getting to know Manchester a bit better. The journey became the work with the photographs used as documents recording where I’d been. I hope at some point to publish it in book form, I'll keep you posted.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Finishing off
You may have noticed that the blog has been a little thin over the last couple of days. This is because I am just coming to the end of a project that I have been working on since last June, and that hopefully will be completed and uploaded to my website some time this week. As soon as that's done i'll continue blogging and looking at some more great photography. If you want to contact me in the mean time you can here:
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Happy New Year (again)

I love Chinese New Year. Always have done, It’s my favourite big day in town. It seems to have grown this year as well with more roads blocked to traffic and events taking place outside the Town hall. The weather was great the atmosphere lovely. Yesterdays post showed a nasty side to this city, but on a sunny day in China town it gives me hope and reminds me why I love Manchester.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
For fucks sake!
A MAN has been left with terrible facial injuries after what could be Britain's first case of bank rage. Read more:
Friday, 8 February 2008
Alan Heighton

Ex Salford Uni graphics student, now Salford uni teacher, brill almost daily blog............... Oh and he did that cover an all........
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Henrik Duncker
Found Henrik Duncker's very interesting work over at Seesaw which has a new edition out
Tricky Dicky
I've never really been that bothered by technique, (we can tell, I here you shout) and I once read a quote by Robert Adams that went something like "I have always been more interested in depth of feeling than depth of field" so I find this article on Times online pretty interesting.
Portfolio reviews.
For graduates, and beyond, brought to you by Rhubarb Rhubarb, BJP and London College Of Printing
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
What makes a great portrait?

This is a question that they have been asking over at Conscientious asking various people to give their views and examples. Richard Billingham's project "Ray's a laugh" was a piece of work that I have admired, way back since my college days, and has, like good photography should, whether portraiture or any other genre, stayed with me.
The whole series is a portrait, a group portrait, of his family and of Billingham's past, and on top of that for me, some of the individual pieces are as good as any portraits in photography. The portrait (above) of his Mother Liz 1995, it's not only a beautifully observed photograph but also raw and tender, in a way that can only come from trust by the sitter and knowledge of subject by photographer.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Far far away in a parallel universe..........
Well Birmingham to be precise, is a blog about Birmingham and photography with the more imaginative name than us here at Manchester photography of d-log. Go see at
Liam Spencer
After yesterday I thought I would follow on with another local painter Liam Spencer. You can see his work at The Manchester City Art Gallery (ground floor) or for some reason I've never really understood, upstairs at Wetherspoons Paramount on Oxford Road, are they aware of what they have? Or here:
Monday, 4 February 2008
Bon Bons

I've featured Gemma Parker's work on the blog before, but what with Valentines day on the horizon and the fact that she has an exhibition on, here in Manchester (see above) and you can go and see her work "in the flesh" so to speak, here she is again........
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Deutsche Borse photography Prize 2008
It's that time again. The Deutsche Borse Photography Prize 2008 shortlist has been announced over at
And talking of..........................
Anders Peterson, I found an interesting audio interview with the great man over at Lens Culture
Marcus Erixson

Marcus Erixson's work seems to have recently exploded here in blogging world. And on the off chance you've missed it check it out here: . Erixson assisted and studied under legendary swedish photographer Andres Peterson, and his influence can be seen in Erixson's work. However at only 26 he's well on the way to finding a strong and personel voice.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Darren Harvey-Regan
I came across the work of Darren Harvey-Regan, at Projection 08, and I'm very glad that I did. He has some interesting landscapes on his website at
Redeye gets it's funding upped!
Bucking the trend, for Arts organisations at present, Redeye has had it's funding INCREASED! more here:
Friday, 1 February 2008
Projection 08
I think it must of been around a hundred or so photography souls that braved the biting cold and sleet at The Quays to attend the first Projection 08 organised by Redeye and programmed by Miska Henner . And as a reward for braving the arctic conditions they got a photographic treat. Twenty slideshows may sound like a lot, but both the quality and the diversity of the work kept it interesting, and introduced us to the work of some top photographers. Special "Big ups" to "Duppies" David Dunnico (UK) "Agnes" Len Grant (UK) "Chinese Tourism Boom" Markel Redondo (Spain) amoungst others. I can't wait for the next one.
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