"Street photography" on the whole leaves me pretty cold. All that decisive moment stuff, comedy juxtaposing all seasoned with a splash of surrealism and a big dollop of irony. But confronted with this scene while I was waiting for the tram how could I resist?
It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
New Work by Alec Soth
"Thirty-three Theatres & a Funeral Home" is, if not brand new, newly uploaded to Alec Soth's website. http://www.alecsoth.com/cinema/pages/cinema.html Commissioned by Magnum, It's a typology which is not Soth's usual method. Great stuff though, bringing his usual large format, measured, response to this most American of subjects, the "movie house".
Monday, 29 September 2008
Nigel Shafran
There's so much interesting stuff on Nigel Shafran's site it's hard to know where to begin. http://www.nigelshafran.com/
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Kiosk Gallery & Comma Films.
Archaeology by Lisa Risbec & poetry by Gaia Holmes.
Spent a great afternoon yesterday down at Urbis http://www.urbis.org.uk/ watching "showreel" which was slide shows from various North West photographers organised by The Kiosk Gallery & also short films from Comma Films. http://www.kioskgallery.co.uk/ Many of the photographers have been featured here on this blog before. In fact in the case of Julian McKenny, David Dunnico and Seba Kurtis very recently.
I'd not got a clue though about Comma Films or Comma press until yesterday. Comma Press is a not-for-profit publishers who concentrate on innovative poetry and short stories who have already made a bit of a name for themselves, described as "Trailblazing" by The Arts Coucil. http://www.commapress.co.uk/?section=about Now if you put that kind of writing together with some great young film makers well you get something special. http://www.commapress.co.uk/
Friday, 26 September 2008
Funny as Fuck Friday.........
The first ever photography blog that I read on a regular basis was the very excellent but now defunct Alec Soth blog. http://www.alecsoth.com/ Each Friday Alec would upload a poem by different author's this section was called "The Friday Poem" and although there were many good ones a lot were to be honest, just crap.
JM Colberg has, over on his blog http://www.jmcolberg.com/weblog/ started doing what he calls "The Friday mix" featuring music video's.
So as this kind of Friday "treat" on photography blogs seems to be the done thing Manchester Photography brings you "Funny as Fuck Fridays". First up The brilliant Dave Spikey from Phoenix Nights and "Black Bin Bags"......................................
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Critical Mass 2008
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Ed Panar

Glad I found Ed Panar's work www.edpanar.com thought it was intriguing and wanted to know more about it's but not much by way of text on his site. Luckily found this interview with Ed over on "This is That"http://johannareed.blogspot.com/2008/02/interview-w-ed-panar.html
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Dryden Goodwin
Often working with unsuspecting subjects in and around London, Goodwin's work Explores the dialogue between photography and drawing. www.drydengoodwin.com He has a solo show opening this Friday 26th at The Photographer's Gallery, London entitled "Cast". Until 16th November http://www.photonet.org.uk/index.php?pxid=943
New Work By Old Friends.

Enough, pray tell of this new work, Mark. First photographer Julian McKenny and his new series "Despicable Lies" (No nothing to do with the Labour Party Conference) at http://www.processional.co.uk/ and David J Colbran from Liverpool way has been photographing mural artists here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidjcolbran/sets/72157607228359042/ and last up Rob Ball. Now I'm not sure if this is new work or has been online for a while "The Great Eastern" but if not so what? I love his work anyway. http://www.robball.net/ OK that's my swear free post done. I thank you.
Monday, 22 September 2008
David Dunnico The Man Who Never Sleeps.......
A Free Gift.

Sunday, 21 September 2008
Robert Hughs on The Mona Lisa Curse, and of course me on it too.
Friday, 19 September 2008
Old Shoe Boxes of Memories (so to speak)

- Manchester City Council's Local Image collection. One of the better known, and largest.http://www.manchester.gov.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php?categoryID=200062central/&documentID=326
- North West Film Archive, primarily a moving image collection. However it does contain a collection of still images relating to Cinema's here in the North West. External shots, internal and also the workforce. http://www.nwfa.mmu.ac.uk/
- Chetham's Library. Not only the worlds oldest public library but also home to The Phelps Collection. Dating from the late 19th & early 20th century and featuring of 3000 glass plate negatives & lanten slides from both locally and further afield. http://www.chethams.org.uk/photographs.htm#photographs
- Salford Local History Library. One of my favorite places to go and do research. Friendly and passionate staff there, they have over 50 000 mainly local images! http://www.salford.gov.uk/living/yourcom/salfordlife/aboutsalford/salfordlocalhistory/lhlibrary
- Old Salford. This brings me to one of the many beauties of the digital age. It enables local enthusiasts the ability to archive and display images like never before. Hats off to www.oldsalford.co.uk
- Aiden O'Rourke. I couldn't do a list of photographic collections around Manchester without mentioning Aiden O'Rourke. Photographing (&blogging) Greater Manchester & other worldwide cities since the early 90's, Aiden has a huge online collection at http://www.aidan.co.uk/index.php
- David Rumsey Collection. Absolutely nothing to do with Manchester but I found it online while I was sat in Salford and anyway it's great (although you may have to do a bit of messing about to get in) so I'm including it! http://www.davidrumsey.com/collections/photography.html
So that's my little rundown. By no means complete I'm sure but it should give you something to look at over the weekend. If you know of anymore, let me know. I'm going to go and put that lot on the side bar as a links list. I do all this for you for free you know, ain't I lovely..............
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
On Greenburg v McCain

If you've been anywhere near photography blogs this last week, you must have come across these images of John McCain by American photographer and now obvious to all, staunch Democrat Jill Greenburg. Here for how it all began:http://www.pdnpulse.com/2008/09/how-jill-greenb.html and some people have been saying she shouldn't have done it it was unprofessional blah blah blah, (almost as unprofessional as not checking out something about the political sympathies of the photographer you are being photographed by in an election I would have thought) Anyway it's all gone a bit tits up with this over on her website:http://www.manipulator.com/ If he wins the election she could end up as resident Guantanamo Bay photographer....
Erik Boker
The above image is from Erik Boker's www.erikboker.com series "Product Dissections" It's about, art science, nature, consumerism, institutions, product, fabrication, etc. I kid you not! Erik explains it here: http://erikboker.com/texts.htm good stuff, and also check out "God for Dummies" not telling ya go see...........
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
David Shrigley

Animation & image copyright David Shrigley
I knew about David Shrigley's http://www.davidshrigley.com/ smart little drawing's and animations, but not about his photographs http://www.davidshrigley.com/list_photographs.html
Graham Miller
I've never been so I'm probably completely wrong and I'm sure it's not, but I've always thought Australia is a little bit scary. A little bit like us, a little bit like America but....different, I don't know just a bit strange. And I think that goes for Australian photographer Graham Miller's work, but in a good way, a very good way.He manages to cram so much tension and atmosphere into his pictures, each one is like a minnie film, a stage set. So when he puts together a series like "Suburban Splendour" well see for yourselves:http://www.grahammiller.com.au/?goto=suburbansplendour&thumbs=ok
Monday, 15 September 2008
Ber Murphy.
I first became aware of Ber's work because of Blurb's (the self-publishing people) book competition. www.blurb.com here to vote order, see Bur's book "Sleeping Giant/11101 Rezoned" http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/208640 here for details of the project: http://www.bermurphyphotography.com/sleepinggiant.html and here for Mr Murphy's website: http://www.bermurphyphotography.com/
Sorry this post seems a bit rushed today, it's because it is. I'm trying to get in a proposal in, in retrospect! (which is an odd way of doing things I know) for a commission I have, well subject to funding! Fuck, this game can be really complicated at times. Will tell you about it soon but got to dash, laters.... I'll leave you in the capable hands of Ber Murphy. Who's also a blogger http://pelicula64.blogspot.com/
Saturday, 13 September 2008
William Eggleston Films
"In The Real World "
"By The Ways"
Two trailer's from two films helping to build the legend. First up "In The Real World" by Michael Almereyda, here:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443698/
and number two "By The Ways" by Vincent Gerard & Cedric Laty, here:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0492450/
Not sure though how easy these are to get hold of in the UK. "In The Real World" which, apparently is the weaker of the two can be bought on UK Amazon, but only in an American format which needs a special DVD player. Still, enjoy the (short) clips...........
Coming Soon To Open Eye
Blogger Arrested.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
JH Engstrom

What JH Engstrom has to say about "Trying To Dance" which is the first series in the trilogy that also includes, "Haunts" and "Wells".
"I’m always looking for presence.Whenever I try, my doubts get unmasked.Easier then to stick with absence.I’m not trying to prove anything.I don't have that many memories yet."
The Three images above are one image from each of those series. As you can see they are for want of a better word eclectic. This is an artist who isn't in the least bit scared to change style, method aesthetic at will, to show his vision. No single style or photograph is enough, different tacks, sequences and layer after layer of meaning. This is blurring boundaries between visual art and what? poetry? archive? diary? It's hard work, but rewarding. http://www.jhengstrom.com/index.html
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Seba Kurtis, 700 Miles............
Sometimes you can get "blogger block" (that's copyright of me by the way) and then you end up fucking about doing silly posts like the last one, and that's what was happening tonight. I was just finishing off my bedtime glass of red, (a little more Rock n Roll than Horlicks but only just) when ping my inbox gets a new message.
Hallelujah, to that when I read it. It was from Seba Kurtis telling me about his new show entitled "700 miles" that's opening here in Manchester from 19 Sept - 07 Nov 2008 at Kiosk Gallery, AMC Foyer, Great Northern Warehouse, Deansgate, Manchester. Opening hours 10am-10pm.
In brief it's about illegal immigration in the USA largely Mexicans, and the worry by White Americans that their culture and lifestyle are under threat, (ring any bells UK) Anyway this is one exhibition I am really looking forward to. Also take a look at Seba's site for other great work as it doesn't stop with "700 Miles", oh no! http://www.sebakurtis.com/ and here for more details http://www.foto8.com/home/content/view/612/161/ and here as well http://1000wordsphotographymagazine.blogspot.com/ and here for details on Kiosk Gallery although as usual their site could do with an update! http://www.kioskgallery.co.uk/ Seba was born in Argentina, and having been an illegal himself in Europe for five years this work is seasoned with plenty of self-experience. Seba is now based here in the North-West and for that we should be truly grateful...............................
Falling Stars
At least you were pushed Noel, Look at that Beyonce.............
Call for Entries
Glen Erler
Last tonight, but not least Glen Erler. www.glenerler.com some great (lots) of projects, with simple non wafflely statements for each one.
Show Me Yours.........
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Rachel Barrett
Josef Koudelka Interview

Monday, 8 September 2008
and following on nicely

Do I Moan A Lot?
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Just a taster of a hell of a gig!
Friday, 5 September 2008
Massive Attack @ Castlefield.
Yep, I obviously had not been paying attention because I only found out really about this yesterday. I remember the "Becks Fusion"http://www.becks.co.uk/fusion.aspx thing going on last year in Manchester but didn't pay it much heed as the main event was happening in London with the Chemical Brothers. This year the organisers must have realised that if you really want a party then Manchester is the place. So yesterday my ears pricked up. Massive Attack and Art you say, FREE you say, I'll have a bit of that I say. So off I went down to Castlefield. "Can I have some FREE Massive Attack tickets please?" I asked waiting for the posh southern blond girl in the ticket booth to laugh in my ugly northern face. "Sure no problem" she chirped in an annoyingly pleasant manner.
Now of course non of this helps you lot unless you've already got tickets, as I believe they had to be won. Yesterday's give away was just a token for locals, so sorry if I've got you all excited. You could get on the old railway line behind, (But I never told you that, but it does bring me to a future post, more another day) Anyway if your not going to the huge FREE Massive Attack/Art extravaganza you could go to New Islington's folky festival thingy instead, organised in part by Urban Cash. Urm Becks & Massive Attack or homemade Ancoates cider & Banjo's?http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=102416808 Still, we will be united by the fact that we are all going to get piss wet through............ http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?id=2613
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Justin James Reed

Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Henry Iddon
Once you get over the strange and "clunky" website design http://www.spots-of-time.co.uk/map.php You start to discover impressive landscape photographs of The Lake District by Blackpool based photographer Henry Iddon. Landscape photography especially of somewhere so over photographed as the lakes is not something that would usually register on my radar, but depending on whose review of the series "Spots of Time" you read, there is something more interesting going on than just another set of romantic pictorial images of one of England's most popular tourist spots.
These are no longer pristine natural wildernesses as they were in Wordsworth's day.They are now peppered with the glow of towns and villages. They appear like cultures forming on a petra dish, they prevent the viewer from ever finding an escape here from the onslaught of modern, overcrowded British life, and it's this, that for me, makes this work interesting. Iddon talks about the work at the next Redeye networking meet in Manchester on the 9th September 2008, start time is 6.30pm, drinks and networking from 6.00pm. The venue is: Manchester Digital Development Agency Lower Ground Floor 117-119 Portland Street ManchesterM1 6ED
Tiina Itkonen
Itkonen'shttp://www.kashyahildebrand.org/zurich/itkonen/itkonen003_010.html personnel odyssey to find her place in the North. "Ultima Thule" is inspired by the story "The Mother of the Sea". It can be seen at The Michael Hoppen Gallery, London until October 7th. http://www.michaelhoppengallery.com/exhibition,current,3,0,0,0,56,0,0,0,tiina_itkonen_ultima_thule.html?link=exhibition%2Ccurrent%2C3%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C56%2C0%2C0%2C0%2Ctiina%5Fitkonen%5Fultima%5Fthule%2Ehtml&searchString=%5Flevel0%2Erow%5F0&index=12&iD=0&targetButton=%5Flevel0%2Ebutton%5F0&targetCover=%5Flevel0%2Ecover%5F0&targetBackground=%5Flevel0%2Ed%5F0&targetLabel=%5Flevel0%2Eb%5F0&onRollOver=%5Btype+Function%5D&onDragOut=%5Btype+Function%5D&onRollOut=%5Btype+Function%5D&onRelease=%5Btype+Function%5D
Monday, 1 September 2008
1000 Words
Proms In The Park