It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Sunday, 31 January 2010
City Fans You Gotta Love Em....


Thursday, 28 January 2010
United Pilgrims

Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Adam Pańczuk
Roger Ballen is off His Trolly......
Found via Lens culture who love him and want his babies..... Sorry I'm being childish again, I swore that I would try to be more grown up here on the blog this year.
New PDF Mag...

Sean says:
I am starting a PDF magazine on integral Polaroid photography, provisionally entitled Polarama: a visual journal of integral photography.
Each issue will be themed with the following to start me (and hopefully others!) off: landscape, Images of the TV / computer screen and Polaroids in Polaroids. Suggestions for others are more than welcome! MORE INFO HERE: or email @ seancousin@gmail.com
Monday, 25 January 2010
Give enough monkey's enough camera's
Here's a bit of worthwhile research if ever I saw some....
"25 January 2010 - The chimpanzees residing in Budongo Trail at Edinburgh Zoo are set to become stars of the screen when they are featured in a BBC Natural World documentary on 27 January, 8pm - 9pm on BBC 2.
The 11 chimpanzees have been taking part in a voluntary study called The Chimpcam Project for the last 18 months. In this joint collaboration between the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), University of Stirling and Burning Gold Productions, the chimps experience video streaming for the first time, learn how to use touch-screen technology and are even given a chimp-proof camera to shoot" MORE HERE
There is a rumour that Budongo has recently joined LIGHTSTALKERS and is currently seeking assignments and running photojournalism courses in Haiti.........
Them were the days.......

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Beauty, and the portrayal of beauty is a popular topic for many contemporary artists and photographers (of course it always has been, Greek armless statue's and all that). And that's wholly understandable as so many people are tying themselves in knots with workouts, celebrity, plastic surgery and the like. I've even been known to glance momentarily at my flabby gut in the bedroom mirror myself from time to time.
I mentioned Phil Toledano's freaky series 'A NEW KIND OF BEAUTY' a few post's back. And I'm sure you're familiar with Zed Nelson's series 'LOVE ME'. Here's another by Ivonne Thein.
The image above comes from the series Thirty-Two Kilos that looks at thinness as a body ideal. What's interesting about this work is the use of photoshop to emphasize and exaggerate the thinness, imitating a common practice of doctoring models photographs in the fashion and beauty world.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Kevin Carter Syndrome.

Perhaps that's what it is. Perhaps that's the reason for the mass snapper migration to Haiti. Kevin Carter syndrome. I don't mean the scum who are making profit running shitty journo courses but the reason so many are willing to throw their DSLR's into Billingham bags and hunt out death. The hope that they will make the front cover of TIME followed by champagne parties and NEW YORK shows. You'd think though that THAT would be a cautionary tale....... Anyway that's all I'm saying on the matter. Me posting about Haiti and the curious case of the rent 'O' journo's. It's as ultimately pointless and self serving as the photo packs images.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Limited places available with CLUB DEATH PHOTOGRAPHY HOLIDAYS

So you want some disaster Rock n Roll photoboy? Then roll up roll up Third world fucked up country now with a great big earth quake. They've got piles of bodies, orphans, looting and for that extra nice & spicy photo opportunity they got some voodoo. This is a once in a lifetime chance. We will for a small fee ($1500) fly you into the "Heart Of Darkness" No no this is better than the Congo, for a start it's only 700 miles from the US of A.
If you enjoyed Katrina then you'll love this. You heard there was a shortage of transport even for aid workers, maybe but we are photojournalists we are needed and important, you can't have a good catastrophe without photographers now can you? Will I be able to sell my work? Of course Google images are sadly short having only 41,600,000 so far. So forget club 18 to 30 forget Club Med this year book your holiday with CLUB DEATH PHOTOGRAPHY HOLIDAYS but hurry while suffering lasts.............
Monday, 18 January 2010
Saturday, 16 January 2010
A change of focus at London Art Fair

Friday, 15 January 2010
Rimaldas Viksratis
Lithuania's Richard Billingham? Well that's what Martin Parr has called Rimaldas Viksratis, perhaps he is. The above image is from 1982, and the old fella with the tongue does look a bit RAY like. Viksratis was awarded the Arles Discovery Award for New Photography in 2009. So a discovery award at 55 years old. My friends the lesson is expect to play the long game, and forget all that under 35 shit, twelve months later and I am still banging on about the under 35 shit!
Thursday, 14 January 2010

Nadav Kander's Yangtze: The Yellow River.
I know I've said before that if all the western photographers currently in China left at the same time China would rise a good two feet. Nadav Kander's Yangtze: The Yellow River makes me glad that at least some go. This great film showing this masterpiece of a series found over on DUCKRABBIT.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Monday, 11 January 2010
Phil Toledano

Beauty has always been a currency, and now that we finally have the
technological means to mint our own, what choices do we make?"
Is beauty informed by contemporary culture? By history?
Friday, 8 January 2010
James Pomerantz

Just in case you haven't seen enough snow over the last week or so take a wee peek at
James Pomerantz wonderful snowy 'Detroit' series. Found via Flak who are at the moment running a winter series.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Have I!


Dear God,
You appear to have fucked up and given us someone else's weather. There's lots of snow which is pretty and you seem to have made an even bigger mistake, we have sun. I would like to point out, and please forgive me you being Omnipotent and all of that, but this is Manchester in January, we tend to go for dark 'n' damp........

I've been following the work on Homeless Ex-service men by Stuart Griffiths for a few years here at manchesterphotography. Stuart is a no nonsense no bullshit photographer who follows a strong and worthwhile tradition. I have many sympathies for many reasons with the ex squaddies that he portrays. As wars in far off lands continue and as the recession bites harder, he's found a story that sadly is not likely to go away anytime soon. Having found himself in this situation a number of years back, Griffiths is in a strong position to inform the rest of us.
ISOLATION is a documentary by Luke Seomore & Joseph Bull
"A quarter of British ex-soldiers sleep rough when they return home.
Isolation is an impressionistic portrait of the emotional and physical aftermath of war, following photographer and ex-soldier Stuart Griffiths as he travels across England uncovering the personal and controversial stories behind the military statistics." CONTINUE READING HERE.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Tuesday, 5 January 2010

following on from the last post and if graffz yer bag.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Fair Cop?

"A photographer who snapped Banksy-style images has been given an ASBO after he was deemed a nuisance.
But an impressive selection of art lovers – including a curator from the Tate Gallery in London and the authors of a heavyweight New York art book" CONTINUED HERE
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Little Brown Mushroom.

Glass Jars by Alec Soth. from Little Brown Mushroom Warning: it's a bit dark, no good for Monday mornings.....
BLURB Gets Royal Approval