It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Osama Esid

Lets All Laugh At City!
It hardly surprises me though. When was it that they became para- military? Why do they need to dress like they are about to take out terrorists in Mumbai when in reality they are dealing with a piss head in a wetherspoons? It's this ridiculas machismo culture that they seem to harbour that helps to make them so obnoxious......................
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Friday, 28 November 2008
BBC Build.
The new home for large chunks of the BBC is now coming on in leaps and bounds! Under leaden Salford sky's. Is that a Smiths lyric? if not it should have been......
Ward Roberts

Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Alec Soth is Ink jet lover shock!
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Face off between an NUM picket and police, 1984. Photograph: Don McPhee

Monday, 24 November 2008
A Long Exposure: 100 Years of Guardian Photography @ The Lowry
Braved the wind and the rain and the "Britain's Got Talent (apparently)" auditions and headed to The Lowry yesterday to see "A Long Exposure: 100 Years of Guardian Photography" Was especially looking forward to seeing the late Don McPhee's work.http://www.guardian.co.uk/slideshow/page/0,,2043336,00.html I rate the above photo of the police and miners one of THE great British, newspaper pictures. It's a good exhibition, tracing not only the work of some great photojournalists but also the history of news pictures. I loved seeing the old kit for sending pictures, a bit different than a jpeg attachment!
Well worth a visit, until 1st March 2009 http://www.thelowry.com/WhatsOn/EventDetail.aspx?EventId=3466 and here for a presentation from The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/interactive/2008/oct/21/theguardian-pressandpublishing
Friday, 21 November 2008
Funny as F##k Friday.
The best thing to do with bigots is to laugh at the stupidity of the twats! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7737651.stm
Zachary Ordonez
I'm not sure if Zachary Ordonez's series "Quarters" as in american money, is brilliant or just cruel, he also seems to have made that poor women lose her baby, no wait, that other women's stuffing it in her coat.... His work appeals to me but then I'm a right git. http://www.zacharyordonez.com/projects.html
Liz Kuball
Plenty of interesting stuff on Liz kuball's website.www.lizkuball.com she's a fellow photog blogger too http://www.lizkuball.com/blog/
Chris Mottalini
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Maybe Santa Will Bring You a Teddy Bear........

And then a couple of Artists like Kent Rogowskihttp://www.bearsthebook.com/book.html & Stephanie Metz http://www.stephaniemetz.com/ can start cutting them up and turning them inside out and putting them in jars Ho ho ho ha ha ha ah ah wahhhh (crazy Bond villain laugh) brilliant!
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Mike Gray

Gray by name but not by photographic nature.......... I'm sorry. http://www.mike-gray.net/
Call For Submissions

It's Christmas! (shouted in a Noddy Holder stylie)

Monday, 17 November 2008
John Bulmer
Sushi & Weller.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
A Sunday Thought.
I thought today that in keeping with the Sabbath we could get a little contemplative. This has come about because I have just rediscovered an old Victorian book I forgot I had called "A Sunday At Home" and also because of something a friend recently did that made me all thoughtful and to be honest a tad morose, so be warned. Now that I've set the tone for that whole Sunday service bit, I'll just give you a bit more atmosphere below.
Are them pews good and hard? Good then I'll begin.
This friend of mine who's an illustrator, was asking me where he could get some old photographs from, you know the sort of thing just a collection of "snaps" cool vintage stuff. I told him I thought he would be lucky to find anything like that nowadays as appropriating old photographs was a bit of a fad with both art photographers and artists alike.
He took no notice of me like most of my friends, and spent the afternoon rummaging around various secondhand bookshops around Shudehill. A few hours later and £400 lighter (I may be doing his funeral service when he tells his girlfriend) he turned up with a box of old photo's. We spent a while looking through several hundred black & white prints mostly on 8x10 fibre based paper. They were mainly landscapes of the Cheshire countryside in and around Hale. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hale,_Greater_Manchester There were also shots from around North Wales and some group portraits. Most had information on the back, neatly typed onto bits of paper and glued on. Place, season subject, F.stop speed etc. Annoyingly no dates though. There also appeared the same name. (I won't publish it here.)
It became apparent that they had all been taken by the same man, and had been printed by him. I imagine that he was a "serious amature" and this was his life's work. We treated them with more respect and both got a little melancholy. They were well made prints often different versions of the same subject. This was the work of somebody who cared a great deal about the images they were making.
I'm glad my friend made a rash decision to spend £400 on that box of old photo's He intends to sort through and maybe get them online for other people to enjoy. It made me think about what would happen to the photographs I've taken. I, like the man from Hale have spent time and effort in making them. I hope that if they end up in a cardboard box in the backroom of a musty shop somewhere in Manchester that someone like my friend finds them and appreciates them.
So that's it, just a quick thought on mortality and what not, fucking hell cheer up!
Thursday, 13 November 2008
WWW (world wide work)

I am aware that this blog has been a little USA biased when highlighting the work of photographers. I personally have no leaning to the work of one country more than another. If I find someones work interesting I'll post about it regardless of the nationality of the photographer. Perhaps it's just that American artists are a little more sophisticated when it comes to promoting their work online.
So tonight trying to redress the balance I bring you two websites that promote the work of artists from other parts of the world. First up is photo.sittcomm http://www.photo.sittcomm.sk/ which showcases the work of photographers based in Central & Eastern Europe, although India is also included which I think is stretching the definition of Europe even more than The Eurovision Song Contest! http://www.eurovision.tv/
And looking at Japanese work, from outside Japan, which also seems to "hide it's light under a bushel" at least when it comes to the work of it's photographers comes japan-photo http://japan-photo.info/blog/
Two great ways to see stacks of bloody great photography.
Magnum Young Gun Wins
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Gangs Of Manchester

We've all heard about Manchester gangs and "Gunchester" first coined I believe by The Guardian in a weekend supplement back in the early 90's. No doubt designed to sell papers and scare the shit out of the middle classes busy setting up home in Chorlton.
This Gangs of Manchester is a different kettle of fish (or kettle of Dahl if reading in Chorlton) It's a trip back in time to Victorian Manchester/Salford and charts the rise and fall of what is reputed to be Britain's first youth cult, The Scuttlers. This book is filled with fascinating stories not only about these Victorian "roughs" but also gives insight into other aspects of Manchester's murky past.
This book will show you that the "Good Old Days" are a romantic myth and we should forget the paranoia of the media and thank God the streets of this fair city are a hell of a lot safer now than then. Go buy it here:http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gangs-Manchester-Story-Scuttlers-Britains/dp/1903854814 read more here: http://gangsofmanchester.com/
Katarina Radovic
Another interesting angle on portraiture. Katarina Radovic's "A Husband in Paris" found over at Lens Culture http://www.lensculture.com/radovic-husbands.html?thisPic=3 More of Katarina's work here: http://www.photo.sittcomm.sk/radovic.htm
Monday, 10 November 2008
Richard Renaldi
Featured in the latest edition of Fraction Mag www.fractionmag.com is "Touching Strangers" by Richard Renaldi. This work is all over the photo blogs. It really seems to have captured peoples imaginations, and it's no wonder. It's a bloody great bit of work!
Approaching complete strangers and asking to take their pictures is never an easy thing to do. Approaching different sets of complete strangers and asking them to "touch" each other and then if that's not enough ask them to wait while you set up a ruddy great 10x8 camera, well, respect. www.renaldi.com
New Fraction Mag

Sunday, 9 November 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Free 10" Garlic Bread With Orders Over £10.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Susana Raab
Susana Raab's series "Consumed" looks at fast food consumption in the US. http://www.susanaraab.com/consumed.html
Purpose Magazine

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
I Hope All Your Dreams Come True.

A word of caution though. I get a bit of a sense of 1997. We in Britain longed for change after 19 years of Tory. As Americans you may not realise just how much us Brits longed for change and we whole heartedly believed that New Labour and Tony Blair would give us that change. Just a word to the wise.
Gustav Gustafsson
Monday, 3 November 2008
New Web Things.
Memorial Photographs

Noise Festival 2008