2010. The studios will be Open from 3-9pm on the Saturday and 11am-4pm on
the Sunday. Details and website HERE.
It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
A major influence on a young Julia Margaret Cameron, D W Wynfield was as close as you could get to a Pre-Raphaelite photographer. He is perhaps one of the early practitioners who were guilty of setting photography on it's 'inferiority to painting trip' as he seems to have used the then new medium as a way of replicating painterly effects. More about him HERE. And examples of his portraits HERE.
'Freaky fadey in and out photo facey films' to give them their technical name have been around for a while. This one though using the photos of Jock McDonald and the animation skills of Paul Blain is a particularly fine example.
Via Lens Culture.
I'm an atheist and I suppose Art is the nearest thing I have to a religion. So hearing Ben Cameron's talk (albeit perhaps more about Peforming Arts) posted on TED, made me feel like a Southern hick Christian after a Billy Graham rally. Hallelujah!
Via Curated Place
You may have already seen this. It's one of those things that snowball in Internet land. It's a good cause, on the whole. I do think though that a lot of Arts organisations have been pissing money against the wall for the last decade or so. Too many freeloaders, too many hangers on, too little money going to makers and too much going to people with made up jobs. We need some weeding and a bloody hard frost. If the Arts continue to spend money reinventing it's self as a poor imitation of social work and family/education services, people are bound to start to wonder why they are paying twice. If the people in our Art world who decide how the hard fought funds get spent, think so little of Art, that they believe that unless it has some kind of social purpose it has no use then perhaps they should leave it to people that think Art can and should be made for no other reason than for Art itself.
Having said all that still sign this petition I'd rather the money go on a Dance group called 'Street Moves' made up solely of ex crack whores than it go on the Olympics. HERE to sign.
LEGAL NOTICE: 'Street Moves' is not in anyway meant to represent any crack whore dance act either past or present and is entirely fictional.