It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Monday, 29 November 2010
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Neal Andrews
When I was about fifteen or so I was sent to see the school careers officer to discuss my future job plans. Career paths in 8o's Widnes consisted of working for ICI or working for GOLDEN WONDER. I told the career officer I wanted to be a Shepherd. I was bollocked for messing about. Thing is I did, I really wanted to be a shepherd. I knew very little about it, it was probably a consequence of watching 'ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL' on a Sunday night. But for a time in 1982 I wanted to tend sheep.
Anyway enough about my faded dreams of youth, I'll have to make do with documentary photographer Neal Andrews atmospheric little film THE HILL FARMER. Below for a preview of the book.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Cedric Delsaux.


Monday, 22 November 2010
Si Barber

Sunday, 21 November 2010
Best of the year.

"He painted Salford's smokey tops"
Thursday, 18 November 2010

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

How's things. I was wondering if I could get another favour? If possible
could you post about the new course the whitworth will be running? I'm just
starting to take bookings and I thought it would be of interest to some of
your followers (I think this should be readers!)... Here's the details anyway if you can.
Contemporary Landscape Photography
8-week course, Saturdays starting 15th January, 1pm 3pm, £100*
In response to our Land Between Us; power, place and dislocation exhibition,
submerse yourself in the world of contemporary landscape photography. Hear
from practicing photographers to inspire and inform your own work and learn
the skills and techniques needed to capture all your ideas. In
partnership with the Zion Centre in Hulme the course will be split between
artist talks here at the Whitworth and practical sessions over at the Zion
Centre. Culminating with an exhibition of your work created on the course
within the Zion Centre's gallery at the end of April.
*£80 for students
To book onto any Adult Programme events please call our Visitor Services
Team on 0161 275 7540.
For any queries or for further details please email Ed Watts, Adult
Programme Coordinator, ed.watts@manchester.ac.uk
Here's the link as well,
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Here We Go Again.

Monday, 15 November 2010
John Darwell @ ACC.

This months speaker at THE ALTERNATIVE CAMERA CLUB is one of the UK's leading documentary photographers, JOHN DARWELL. John has made work from Chernobyl to Nevada although in more recent years England's North-West and particularly Cumbria has been central to John's oeuvre (love that word).
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Kay May

Kay May is a photographer who has a very personal connection with war. Her son is a serving soldier in Afghanistan. Her series and book 'The Hawthorn Tree' is a document of a mothers war. The series can be seen HERE and the book can be seen HERE. May's work is also included in a group show 'Bringing The War Home' at Impressions Gallery Bradford
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Michael Danner

I'm not really sure what this series 'Birds of Passage' is all about, but I do kinda like it's bizarreness. Birds painted on trees and then photographed, a collaboration with illustrator Vanessa Karre. Plenty of other stuff to look at as well over on his SITE.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Ralph Gibson.

A few words about sequencing and bookmaking from someone who knows how to do it. Take a look at his 1970 series "The Somnambulist" (in the archive 1 section)
"In 1959 I was a young photographer's mate aboard the USS Tanner. With time to spare I explored the ship's library. One slim volume attracted my attention. It was "Four Quartets" by T.S. Eliot. These poems created a strong and unfamiliar impression on me. The cadence of the words implied an imagery that come from their very position on the page. It was only ten years later that I began to understand the real meaning of sequencing images on a page.The sequencing of photographs in "The Somnambulist" was a direct result and pursuit of the feelings I experienced many years before in the ship's library Eliot's word-shapes on the page spoke in many ways, precise but never too literal. I was drawn to this kind of experience and understand this now to be an aspect of how the process was to reveal itself in my own work. Surely there are parallel examples of this phenomenon.
An exhibition of my prints in a gallery or museum reveals how I relate to the medium of photography. Immediately one can see my attitude towards film, light, lenses and camera handling. A book, however is another story. In a book we see how I think about my photographs and the context in which they are intended to be seen.This is an important distinction. Context, as Marcel Duchamp made abundantly clear, is everything. A beautiful nude torso entitled "The breasts of Venus" will be perceived in a totally different way than the same photograph entitled "Still no cure for breast cancer". In a book I can be fully responsible for the context of the work.
The ancient Greeks invented the concept of the proscenium in the theatre. Behind the prosce- nium anything was possible, reality ended in front of the arch over the stage. The title of a book of photographs functions much in the same manner. The title informs the viewer of the context by which the images are to be seen.
I can start a book project with as few as 10 or 15 images.The first few spreads, usually around 4 or 5, set the tone of the sequence to follow. The sequence is then altered by the addition of newer images as they arrive.The title sets the tone and the point of departure for the work to follow. This can be sustained for years, some projects ongoing for a lifetime. I have been photographing in France and Italy for over 30 years.The same is true of the nude. One never comes to the end of such studies.
Whereas the viewer at an exhibition of photographs is free to wander about the gallery at will, the viewer of a book holds the book at a certain specific distance from the eyes, usually seated in a favorite well lit chair. This viewing distance is almost always the same from person to person.With this in mind I can be assured that certain spatial relationships between the images will be consistent and will be seen by all the viewers in a similar manner. I can build on this principle. Next comes the sequencing of the spreads, often designed to create a non-specific narrative or an elliptical linearity The sum of the images exceeds the total of the parts. Books can be about anything but when successful a book is an unbroken string of right decisions."
Ralph Gibson
Thursday, 4 November 2010

Phantasmagoria. No not the 1985 Album that finally killed off for good any illusions that
THE DAMNED where a proper Punk band, but an evening (and afternoon for scared-ey cats) of Victorian inspired weird spooky marvelous-ness that our nineteenth century ancestors where so good at, and not a pickled two headed baby in a jar in sight. It's all to be held in what has to be the ultimate setting for this kind of thing, THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. So Ladies & Gentlemen, ROLL UP! ROLL UP! Details below.
"Monday 8th November Mervyn Heard, the world's finest Phantasmagoria Magic Lantern Projectionist, will be performing a show at John Rylands Library, Manchester.
4.30 - 5pm a family friendly show
7.30 - 9pm an evening event where things get a bit more sinister and spooky!
ALL WELCOME, the event is FREE! call 0161 06 0555 to reserve yourself a free seat or email jrul.events@manchester.ac.uk
John Rylands Library, 150 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3EH see
for more info about the show"
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Rachel Phillips
I like the delicate Japanese 'Willow' feel to This work by RACHEL PHILLIPS. Ssssshhhhh lets be quiet and calm tonight. Zen.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Ambience of Play @ THE GREENROOM.
Liz West, Katie Louise Dixon & David Morris
28 October - 18 December 2010, greenroom, Manchester
"From the award winning to the untrained, Blank Media Collective are pioneering the best creative talents from across the Pennines. Ambience of Play showcases three contemporary practitioners who are helping to keep the art scene in the North-West fresh and exciting. What makes these artists innovative is their playful approach to art practice as they set their own challenges to create their work.
The year 2010 continues to be a creative hotbed for original talent and this is definitely the case in reference to Liz West, Katie Louise Dixon and David Morris. From supermarkets to abandoned theme parks, these artists are constantly investigating social and urban practices, whilst retaining elements of fun and intrigue. Ambience of Play is an exhibition highlighting the mundanity that we see and often ignore."CONTINUED HERE.
Kevin Van Aelst.

If Andy Goldsworthy was suddenly taken out of the beautiful natural landscape of rock and mosses and delicate icicles and lovely leaves, and was transported into the world that many of us have to live in, a world of plastic crap and cars, ketchup and old cups of coffee could he still make interesting sculptural work out of found objects ? Kevin Van Aelst can.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Rock n Roll, and Folk.

This coming Saturday I've got some photo's being shown down at THE WHITWORTH as part of a night of music and projected photography. It's to tie in with the current exhibition
‘Land Between Us: power, place and dislocation’. Local Manchester bands playing include Samson & Delilah - http://www.thesamsonanddelilahshow.co.uk/ and We Are Willow – Part 2 - http://www.myspace.com/wawillow to name but two. It's free starts at 6:30 and is first come first serve. Details HERE. This is the closest I will probably ever get to being a 'muso' so I'm looking forward to it.