This is a new series I have uploaded to my homepage today. In a way it follows on from the last post, this is my attempt to look at issues about fast food here in the UK. At the moment I'm just collecting the menu's that come through my door. I want to expand on this by collecting fast food menu's from all over the Manchester area and maybe UK, as many as I can. Why? I just love them. I love their design the colours the artwork etc, bollocks I just think they're funny. And also for historic value. I would love to see fast food menu's from the middle ages.
I want to expand the idea and photograph the sites that the menu's come from. Take a look above and then tell me where the idea to call it Miami came from. I've never been to Florida but I did watch Miami vice and it looked fuck all like that. Here for more: http://www.manchesterphotography.com/gallery_186830.html
MArk your blog is priceless ... this post made me laugh out loud twice ...
Cheers mate nice of you to say! I think sometimes you've got to have a laugh, Theres plenty of photographers out there doing the serious stuff, I like picking the daft things about life. Sometimes though it's the daft stuff that can tell you a lot about the times/places we live.
Mark this is a great coincidence. I've started a project just like this in Bolton. For me, it was about the amount I was getting through my door and if you ever actually see the place, its usually a bit manky - surely a tin of paint and some cleaning products would have been more use! Anyway I've got 3 or 4 images of this right now and still collecting. I think this would make a really interesting joint social project. Havent got a website just yet as Im trying to edit my work down and get rid of the crap. Oh, on a side note, just graduated this year and John Darwell was a lecturer of mine - he constantly mentions your blog!
Nice one Sam, I would be intersted in seeing your work, a joint project, that could be interesting. Ah! John Darwell love that guys work, Dog shit bags photographed with such beauty love it! Send us your email Sam.And get a bloody website or even a blog!
haha yeah you're right, nobody can take a photo of a dog shit bag quite like john. I think a blog might actually work for me right now. hmmm i must consider it!
sam_shef@hotmail.com is my email
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