I've been thinking more about Holdt's work since yesterdays post. The work has, in recent years taken on an almost "cult" status. Could this be because of the aesthetic? It has a similar feel in many ways to "Blaxploitation" movies of the time. www.blaxploitation.com This is of course partly due to the fashions, and being made at the same point in American history, but also by choosing to use colour film. I think though that it goes beyond the now cool look and works on the viewer on a deeper level. He has always claimed that the work was never made with any artistic aspirations and opting colour over black & white would support this (ease of processing/availability etc) It's use has given the pictures a raw honest feel. Does choosing colour film and a cheap non professional camera give the series and Holdt's work more authority? Do we believe in them and take notice because they are this way, and some how feel that they are more real than say beautifully printed and toned mono prints? Doe's traditional photojournalism in the Magnum style still have the ability to move us and provoke? www.magnumphotos.com
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