It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Buy Art Fair.
Well that's my first Art Fair as an exhibitor over. I've even managed to sell a couple of prints as well so that was nice. I've had a lot of good feedback about the book as well which has made my weekend. That's the book above on the plinth with two of my prints above it. #18 Bleach was one of the prints sold.
There was a ridiculously wide range of stuff there. Everything from some God awful shit from Austria, pretend paintings of Michael Jackson dancing to work by Jeff Koons! Even Damien had stuff there albeit very small.
There was stuff there by the latest hot properties such as Dan Baldwin (above) So in line with the bullshit of the Art world I am now going to adjust my CV to read "Has exhibited alongside the likes of Jeff Koons & Dan Baldwin".Then I'll stick the prices of my prints up to say...... £30
Congrats on the sale! Now Hirst and Koons can note on their CV that they exhibited with Page.
Ha ha, I love you Stan! How's it going?
The usual- trying to save my fellow human beings from global catastrophe...
If warming don't get us we'll create by design or accident something that will.
I remember telling my young son never to touch my motorbike engine cos it would burn his fingers. He burnt his fingers.
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