Vote for ME, ME, ME..........
Yes, who the f#*k do you think you are you cheeky bastard? You put my name and address on some shit flyer and give it to some gimp to post through my letter box. Data protection? Well here's your Email address and I hope that every decent person who reads this, world wide email's you, you dick........ anthony@citycentrelabour.org.uk This of course is how little respect they have for us, Vote for me, me, me.................................
There is an election coming up, that is what people do - Give the electorate information about themselves and why you should vote for them. If you don't want people to post you information, don't register to vote you stupid idiot.
I bet you're so small minded that you sit about and moan (to yourself as you cleary are a sad lonely prick with no friends) about politicians not listening to you or trying to engage with you yet when they do you abuse them. There is only one twat here and thats you. By the way my blind gran takes better pictures than you
Good God I hope for the sake of democracy that you (coward) anonymous are not the nominee. I have no option but to register, It's the law...................
You also have the option to remain anonymous and just receive your polling card!! I feel sorry for the candidate all he did was send you a letter explaining what he has done and what he wants to do in the furture and you treat him like this. You just can't win!
You have no choice but to go on the electoral role do you? Which is all I've done. I expect junk mail from some people, but not people who who wish to represent me. At the end of the day, politics to this individual is not a seious matter. It's about his career, He has got my name from a data base and he thinks that, that gives him some right to place my personel information on some flyer. Well It doesn't.
It's the elections if you haven't noticed Mark! The electoral register allows this to happen so people can actually get you information - just the same as a postal mail outs and voting card but without the stamps.
Anthony's address and email has been on all of the leaflets he's delivered - so hopefully most people will have them already and can contact him so he can deliver for residents who live in the city centre! As he say's (or he said on my leaflet) Mark, he'll deliver for all in the city no matter which political group an individual supports!
Happy voting!
Nice one Rob! Thank Fuck for the NQ.
Anonymous, if you could give us a link to your Blind Gran's website i'll feature her on the blog..........
Mark - I understand it might be a bit strange to be contacted by a local campaigner after being neglected by 3 ineffective councillors in the city centre but I think Anthony was just trying to reach out and be a interactive and listening politcian. You could have simply asked him to remove you from his mailout in future rather than this personal and offensive attack.
Rosa, It's AN interactive and listening politcian...... Grammer, Grammer..............
Nothing personal or offensive about it. It's an affront to the letterbox.
And incidentally, the gvt sells all our personal data from the electoral register, so that won't be all you get. I've been absolutely deluged with spam since I went back on the roll. It's not for voting - most of us don't bother - it for selling.
And I love these ignorant commenters. One called me a psychotic bitch the other day. marvelous.
yeah well this tosser never got my vote on the strengh of it! Oh and yes their are some freaks out there in bloggy land........
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