It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Friday, 30 October 2009
Doorshee Boorshee shortlist 2010.
Reiner Riedler.
Jeez I could do with a holiday. Even a "Fake" one. A seamless link through to "FAKE HOLIDAYS" by Reiner Riedler. Can you believe his website address is !
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Jim Naughton.

Love these portraits of Re-enactores by Jim Naughton. I think the pretty heavy post production suites the fantasy nature of the subject.
Preston? Manchester? Preston?
Dedicated to the Trustee's of The National Football Museum Preston. HERE for what I'm on about.......

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Monday, 26 October 2009
Anthony Blasko.

When it comes to people, photography tends to be drawn to the extreme, to the marginalised, the extraordinary and the grotesque. It loves poverty, suffering, super wealth, excess and eccentricity. It avoids the ordinary (and I mean ordinary in a positive way) like America avoids free healthcare.
Anthony Blasko remedies this by making fantastic understated narrative out of the everyday.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Impressions of Bradford.

Saturday, 24 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
Martin Parr promises a 2010 Brighton Photo Biennial full of surprises

Martin Parr curator of The 2010 Brighton Photo Biennial promises the first "frame-free" photo festival. So my cheap frames from Wilkinson's idea has been gazumped by Mr Parr already. You see that's the mark of a true genius, pushing always pushing. We mere mortals go for cheap frames he shouts fuck your cheap frames, I SAY NO FRAMES AT ALL.
London Photograph Fair.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009
I liked the way that Pete Brooks described his hopes for THIS
"I am perversely driven by the desire to test the power and limits of the photoblogshere. It would be a collective blogging bomb!"
I couldn't believe that this hasn't been done before, not blog bombing I mean discussions on race & photography. No time like the present though, not when there's still so much unbelievable shit like THIS going on. That's the obviously bad stuff, there's harder more complicated issues like THIS to also give more time to.
Shit, I am now aware of how many times I said the words "bomb" and "race" in this posting and I've no doubt woken from their slumber, someone from HERE .
Monday, 19 October 2009

Sunday, 18 October 2009
Tim Roda.

Tim Roda's artwork is something of a family affair. Hovering somewhere between photography, installation and performance his family become the actors in these strange & fascinating scenes.
Unusual not only in this multi media/technique approach but also in his choice of using 35mm and Black & White and avoiding that well (perhaps too well) trod current path of banality.
Couldn't find a website for him but you can view more of his work HERE, HERE & HERE.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Heavy discussions going on about whether or not Pieter Hugo's work is racist. HERE, and HERE. Of course these things need to be discussed and there's far cleverer people than me doing it so I don't want get involved in the back and forth. Too much rhetorical rigour for this numpty I'll just end up shouting arse or something.
No I don't claim to be an academic I tend to work via gut instinct which is fine as an artist that's as important a trait as anything. I know I'm not black and I'm sure I can't begin to understand all the issues but I really like these pictures always have. Maybe I'm a bit odd but far from seeing something derogatory in that image I just think "Fuck me a hyena on a lead that's top, that blokes the bollox"
A Nigerian (black) friend of mine who now lives in Manchester thought the same when I showed him. He was positivly proud and started to take the piss out of local scallies and their piss poor Staffies.
The other thing I'm confused about is this. Lets pretend that these images are never going to end up in a gallery and lets pretend that Pieter Hugo has no ambitions to be an artist, what if he was a pure documentary or reportage photographer, would that be OK to photograph the Hyena men? The speed things change in this world the Hyena men may not be around 50, 100 years from now. Surely photographing them for posterity is worth while? We can always remove them at a later date if we still don't like them Orwellian style. These are questions asked HERE. I guess I'm so used to constantly seeing pictures of Africans being portrayed as victims that I only saw the positive in this work. I thought it was a refreshing change.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Vivian Maier

Sunday, 11 October 2009
Harvey Benge.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2009 @ Cornerhouse.
The pleasing thing for me was the amount of Lens Based work included. I would estimate that a good third fell into this category. Personel faves were Frances Blythe, Felix Frith, Teresa Eng, Andrew Curtis & Barbara Wolff.
Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2009 selected by Ellen Gallagher, Saskia Olde Wolbers, John Stezaker and Wolfgang Tillmans. Until 25 October, go see.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Simon Menner.
I found the work of Simon Menner via Mrs Deane. I was particularly interested in his Murder Weapons series for obvious reasons. These are actual murder weapons held as evidence by the German police rather than potential weapons held by paranoid me. Still that's one of the inherent problems with photographic art and the Internet. Constant repetition and now the ability to find it. And so for NEW CLICHES OF PHOTOGRAPHY #13 .....................

Alongside the capital projects, there was a demand from government and funders that cultural institutions demonstrate a real impact on "real people". No longer could high art be ghettoised when it was financed through the lottery."
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Daniel Lillie.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Urban Film Night.
First off it would not be exaggerating to say that this first film, called "Lift" is the best short film I've ever seen, a real slice of modern Urban Britain. Beautifully shot with empathy for the subject that in turn allows film maker Mark Isaacs to really get under the skin of his subject. A masterclass in social documentary from 2001.
Found thanks to 1000 words.
Ah, people living and existing in the built environment a subject that out of all the mediums is dealt with best by photography whether still or moving "Lens is Best" for this one cocker.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Lets Party Like It's 2016

Prix Pictet Shortlist.
Cheers to Prison Pete for reminding me and giving me a post for tonight!
Thursday, 1 October 2009

Manchester Blog Awards 2009

Well another year and fuck all. Are we bitter? course we fucking are. month after month, year after year selflessly showcasing this Town and the best creative talent it has to offer and not a fucking sausage..... I'm not going to throw a hissy fit but...........
Only kidding, well done to all those shortlisted and to a personal fav of mine.