Sunday 6 December 2009

Tous pour l'un.

Could you imagine a world where the fact that URBIS (my place of work) is closing down and people are loosing their jobs for no better reason than the greedy narrow minded will of a few Philistines, meant that MANCHESTER CITY ART GALLERY went on strike! Then MOSI close their doors to the public. Next THE CORNERHOUSE staff, closely followed by the CASTLEIELD GALLERY staff all forming a picket line. A little far fetched? Certainly since Maggie Thatcher surgically removed the spine of the British people in the 1980's. But there is a land not far from here where comradeship, solidarity and a healthy sized bonne dose of bloody mindedness still happens......... HERE.
Vive la France!


JohnD said...

Yes Mark I agree with you solidarity is becoming a thing of the past. Maybe when the auditors arrive at City Art Gallery et al they'll wish they'd fought to preserve the culture of Manchester and tell the new football museum minded folks where to go!
Course by then it will be way too late.

Stan B. said...

Wow, kinda makes one wonder what would be possible if governments had to answer to its citizens...

mark page said...

Dear Santa I've been good(ish) could I please have a guillotine for Christmas?