New show by David Dunnico at THE ROYAL EXHANGE Manchester. This spot is turning into a bit of a photo show space, and what's great here is that David's work on CCTV is being displayed at the same time as the theatre are showing a play of Orwell's 1984. See what they did there, clever shit. I love this series of David's THEM trying to stop US taking pictures at every opportunity THEM watching US as much as they can, most of US doing fuck all about it in that endearing English manner It's timely, and the optimist tells me that come the glorious revolution, or a politician with integrity which ever comes first, this will be of great historical significance as people of the future in silver jumpsuits sit around discussing in dis-belief our surveillance state. Thank fuck for pigshit thick scouse coppers or I'd be worried.Anyway details of show above, private view 5:30pm Friday 26th (any later David turns into a pumpkin) Catch some of you there and I promise not to get pissed for this one....
Hi David Dunnico, I watch your program in CCTV in my Dish Network I love it.
Hello Monika – haven't got a clue what dish network is, but I'm glad you like it. Hello Mark I'll be very disappointed if you go home sober – though hyperglycaemic from all the cake would be OK.
Hello Monika – haven't got a clue what dish network is, but I'm glad you like it. Hello Mark I'll be very disappointed if you go home sober – though hyperglycaemic from all the cake would be OK.
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