It's one year today since me and Stan launched EXPIRATION NOTICE. It sadly only lasted for 3 editions but I am still immensely proud of it. I'm not really sure why it didn't take off. We got plenty of 'hits' but after an initial flurry the submissions dried up. Who knows maybe one day it will arise from the ashes like a wonderful fiery photographic Phoenix.
A great project Mark. A good idea and some knock out work..... sorry that it died.... cheers, harvey
You should be proud- we put a lot of good work out there from an under represented demographic. What I ultimately wanted to occur was to get out the work of those photographers that graced gallery walls in the '70s, '80s and '90s- and haven't been heard from since. Perhaps that was too grand a dream being that we're hardly known names in the (photographic) art world and had no commercial support of any kind whatsoever. In fact, when I asked several people higher up in the photographic echolon for advice (and only advice) on how best to continue, I got an overwhelming no response.
We did what we could with what we had- and did it rather well.
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