It seems like a good time to look at the work of Richard Prince, after the last couple of days. What do we think? Art or just copyright infringement? Now before anyone gets on their high horse, I'm NOT saying that blogging is the same, I'm saying "A times they are a changing" (copyright Bob Dylan) and keep screaming "It's the Law" is not a valid argument..................... http://www.richardprinceart.com/
I think Prince is next to god and I would be thrilled if he ripped me off!
Good to see a friendly face, so to speak after the last couple of days! And as far as Prince goes, I agree, exciting stuff, and raising questions that the "Ludites" in the tradional press will, like it or not have to face............
Prince began "re-photographing" Marlboro Country in the early 80s from the the famous Philip Morris cigarette campaign. It gives us a stunning compendium - a visual thesaurus of the American West. But ironically, it was a West that never existed. Prince revealed to us what lengths advertising executives would go to sell a product that at the time was just beginning to receive bad press. Consumers may have been increasingly uneasy about buying cigarette product, but they the advertising executives proved that people would buy into an iconic American image. (The one thing you're not likely to see in Marlboro Country is a cigarette!) The ad execs were doing their best to press our buttons, and hoped we'd barely notice them at work. Prince is a successful artist for helping us see how we were being manipulated.
What about a painted soup can? Art?
I found this interview with Richard Prince, that you may not have seen, very interesting ounce you get past the annoying ads.. How ironic........
Doh! forgot to leave the link, here it is: http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1213891072
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