Went to see INTUITION today at THE WHITWORTH GALLERY. INTUITION is a selection of work from The Musgrave Kinley Outsider Art Collection which was founded in 1981 and has recently been donated to the gallery. Loads of stuff to see and a smashing little booklet to help you on your way with little biographies of some of the 'crackpot's' (and I love crackpot's) that made the work. The first two pictures above are of the work of Dusan Kusmic who lived in a bin and made Art out of bread & cabbage, (one bit true, one bit not, guess). Reading the stories of the people who created this work I felt humbled and a right old moaning bastard. They weren't dissuaded by lack of money, recognition or opportunity. They made the work because they wanted to and because they had a need to. A lesson to us all. The sheer joy of the process can be seen by watching the videos that are made available. I'm reminded of that Picasso (mis)quote "It's taken me a lifetime to learn to draw like a five year old" Go and see and be inspired by Art without the bullshit........
8/10 no problem.
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