Take a look at these beautifully futuristic landscapes by Peter Bialobrzeski from his series 'Paradise Now' landscapes from across South East Asia. So landscapes from now. They just look like futuristic worlds to my old fashion Western eyes. Bloody hell I still think the Beetham Tower's something!? I was going to try and pass the top shot off as The Mancunian Way.........
That's two German photographers in as many nights I've featured here, people will start to think this is one of them clever European blogs.......... No fecking chance I hear you shout.
I love PB's work. Always have. But I am not sure on these. I think its because I know that he was making some of the work look like it was shot at night in post rather than at the time of the picture taking.
No different to 'turning up' the colour in printing I guess , which is something I tend to do..
Those Germans are just too dam talented.
I'm off to start the Doyleydorf School..
I'd join.
Its Five hundred pounds usually. But I will swing it for you.
You could always apply for one of my bursaries, ten bob and a pasty. But you have to write a long story about yourself (make it up if you have to) and include some pictures.
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