It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Foto Survey Group of Great Britain.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Johannes Schwartz on YouTube.
As we all know there's often a lot of gibberish talked to "prop up" weak work. Too much talk is not something that could be levelled at this photography initiative ARCHIVO. Publishing the work of two photographers per month with no words and a video on YouTube of the photographer looking at that work with no sound track other than a little bit of ambient. I can't make my mind up as to whether it's clever or too clever.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Where's Wally?

There I am. That's me on Google Street View. You can see where I was here: <http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=langworthy+road+south+salford&sll=53.48302,-2.287271&sspn=0.000604,0.001202&ie=UTF8&ll=53.480691,-2.295842&spn=0.009666,0.019226&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=53.480661,-2.295662&panoid=aHZ7Vzd9MiTx451INBcf4g&cbp=12,164.2969193811744,,1,4.999999999999999> Not too sure where the front of my face is but it's definitely me. I was at the tram stop on Langworthy Road, Salford, late last summer. I remembered the funny little Google car go past, I paid it only scant regard at the time.
I spent a half an hour looking for myself, and was so happy when I found me. The only reason I found myself was that I can remember where I was when that little car went past. I couldn't search for myself by name, or location. Even though it was a Chance encounter with myself on Street View people are getting really paranoid about being on Google's new novelty site. "People can see my house and can rob it" well guess what shit for brains they could anyway. It's not just Google though is it? People are so worried about photographs of themselves or their property falling into the wrong hands. That's their public face or their more public property, yet they are Happy to post on Facebook,Twitter or Blogger all kinds of info and personnel pictures. We really are such funny fuckers..............
Monday, 27 April 2009

Wednesday, 22 April 2009
A Quick Word.
First up my old virtual mate Tom Rice-Smyth has a new book out. It's of his series "Babysitters" which can be seen here. I doubt that there will ever be a more complete or comprehensive study of this nation's capital city carried out by any photographer. I think, no I'm sure that Tom Rice-Smyth is in the process of making something very special. An intimate and understood portrait of 21st century London, and "Babysitters" is a small but significant part of that study.......
As for me, well this is the only post here this week, as we are in the process of getting EXPIRATION NOTICE Volume 3 together for release on the 27th........
Monday, 20 April 2009
American Suburb X

Gooch Gang 'pensioners'

Mike Keegan
April 20, 2009
HARD-HITTING posters showing two jailed gang leaders as haggard pensioners have gone on display across Manchester. Here
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009

And then she sings and blows all them fuckers out of the water. And there at that moment was a split second when the west changed. As much as when the banks and capitalists got shown up for the Shylock's that they are, and the moment when Obama took office and we believed that some politicians could give us hope, there at that moment was the end of fucking talentless morons. Susan's microphone was a stake through the fuckin hearts of WAGs, Big Brother, fuck wits, Kate Moss, pretty boy racing drivers and all the rest of the wastes of skin out there, a split second when the earth shifted on it's axis and balance was restored.................... Well we can dream can't we?.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Valuing Older People Positive Images of Ageing -
Calendar photography brief
This is the 6th calendar in the Valuing Older People Positive Images campaign which has received national recognition and award nominations for communicating positive messages about growing older.We would like to invite tenders for the photography for the 2010 calendar.
2010 calendar brief:
To create a series of 15/16 positive images depicting older people using different forms of technology. The VOP Positive Images team will work to identify 15/16 different image options and participants to feature in the photographs.
The photographers will be asked to update the project team 3/4 times during the process. Following this the photographer will present their final images to the team who will work with them to decide upon which images will be included in the calendar.
To work with the VOP Positive Images team to agree a preferred “style” of image
To create a series of images which show positive images of older people using different types of technology
To provide a range of images choices on contact sheets for the Positive Images team
To supply MFour, the City Council in house design team, with the selected high resolution images
To provide hard copy portrait shots to participants
Time frames:
Tender deadline: Thursday 30th April 2009
Shortlisted applicants invited to interview Wednesday 3rd June 2009
Photography to be completed by mid-October 2009
Final image selection late October 2009
Calendar to design early November 2009
Distribution in December 2009
Expressions of interest and estimated costs:
In your costing, please include a breakdown of the following:
Estimated amount of time needed to:
Produce 12/13 portrait photos
Attendance at 3/4 Positive Images team meeting
Production of contact sheets and portraits
The cost of provision of:
12/13 contact sheets
12/13 high resolution images
Please provide 3/4 images or examples of your work with your submission.
Please submit your estimates to:
Sally Chandler
Programme Manager
Valuing Older People
Joint Health Unit
Town Hall Extension
M60 2LA
For more information, telephone: 0161 234 3513
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Rogues Gallery.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
A Couple Of Comps........

Not free to enter (£15) but still perhaps worth a punt is the OPEN SHUTTER PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION. Here
Print Trials
Even though the quality of their inkjets was high comparing them to the C-Types they just looked, well flat. The next step is to send some of my work to them to get printed. I'll let you know how I get on.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Yvonne Todd
Following In Fenton's Tracks...ish

Roger Fenton's van that he used for photographing The Crimean War. Only in Salford and without the nasty chemicals, except the Stella of course..........
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Josh Smith.

Some interesting work mainly in mono from Josh Smith. Josh describes his work,
"These photographs examine the surfaces of daily life, describing not only the specifics of these exteriors, but also what remains invisible below. By leaving the inherent narratives of objects and places behind, these photographs reveal both the ideals and superficiality of a culture."
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Keep It Up.

The New York Photo Festival is pleased to announce the Call for Entries for the New York Photo Awards 2009Submissions Accepted Starting March 2, 2009Visit www.newyorkphotoawards.com
Monday, 6 April 2009
Just Do It.
Sometimes I think as photographer's we worry too much about coming up with something new, a topic not photographed before, not repeating. Is this fear unique to photographers? It's never seemed to bother say, painters, they have no problems in returning to motifs that others have drawn from, and doing so time and time again, keen to tease their own take out of a subject.
Now I've seen photographs of obsessive fans dozens of times before, and I'm sure that Steve Schofield has seen such images as well. I'm glad it didn't stop him from producing his series "Land Of The Free" Look beyond the silly costumes and there's a melancholy here that Schofield has wonderfully captured.
Print Trials

I have a photo printer, an Epson R1800. I've had for around four years, a bloody age in this digital age. It's always been reliable, good for proofing and making small work prints for editing. I fancied the new Epson R2880 and I am toying with getting one. You see since Pro2col closed down a couple of years ago I have not found myself a new professional printing service, I've heard that the Epson gives near gallery standard prints so I thought that may be a way forward, at least for some stuff.
Before I rush out and spend the best part of six hundred quid on the Epson, I thought I would try a printers that offer an online service, perhaps getting some of my work printed up as a "Digital C-Type"
I've come across a company called The Print Space. They certainly have a cool website with plenty of guidance and tutorials which even a muppet like me can more or less understand. They offer a range of services at what appear to be competitive prices so I'm going to give them a go. I've just ordered their print sample pack at £5.75 which gives me some prints printed on the various media that that they use. When that arrives I'll try out their C-Types and let you know how I get on. "Now run those profile thingies past me again........."
Irons In Fires.
Plenty to be going on with. Love making work, hate form filling. (see last post)
Images copyright Mark Page
Sunday, 5 April 2009
On The Blag.

Friday, 3 April 2009
1000 Words #4
One of my very favourististist photography webmags has a new edition out. Appropriately titled #4, 1000 Words can be found here . This time round featuring amongst others the work of Martin & Munoz (tip top!) with some great writing about them by 1000 words Editor Tim Clark.
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Call For Submissions.

In an effort to preserve works by young persons enthusiastic about expressing themselves through the art of photography, the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (K*MoPA) issues an annual call for submissions to its "Young Porfolios" program.
This is not a contest. The single condition is that applicants must be 35 years old or younger. All photographers, professional or amateur and regardless of nationality, are invited to submit their published or unpublished works to be considered for induction into the Museum's permanent collection.
We strongly believe that there is no clearer signal or more direct means of support for the young photographer than the purchase of their work for a permanent museum collection. Our principal objective is to encourage and cultivate the precious sprouts of younger talents.
Prior judges include Moriyama Daido, Araki Nobuyoshi and Hosoe Eikoh. Applicants of all categories are highly expected. We look forward to receiving unique images showcasing the creativity of younger artists in the field of photography.Online Application:1 - 30 April 2009Young Portfolio '09:http://yp.kmopa.org/index.php?ml_lang=enKiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts:http://www.kmopa.com/index_e.htm