Sunday, 20 December 2009


Welcome to Manchesterphotography's FESTIVE ROGUES GALLERY 2009. Over the last couple of years of blogging I have started to collect a right little network of friends and acquaintances, from people visiting here and leaving comments or "heads ups" for new shows and work etc. Nobody really knows what we are all building here in cyber space or how long it will last, so I wanted to celebrate our little relationship and take it to the next level. Each person has a link through to their website or blog so have a click through and get to know each other a little bit better. Think of it as Manchesterphotography's Christmas party minus the vomit & embarrassment!

All photographs copyright of respective bloggers/photographers.

CMS Lost in Manchester UK

Andy Adams Flak Photo US
(Image copyright Jonathan Saunders)

S Cousin Pentimento AUSTRALIA

David Dunnico Photism UK

Marcus Doyle B-Mode UK

Ed Watts Ed Watts Photography UK

Gill Moore Scatterdrum UK

Harvey Benge Harvey Benge NZ/FRANCE

Stan B Reciprocity Failure US

John Darwell John Darwell UK

Jonathan Blaustein Jonathan Blaustein US

Colin Pantall Colin Pantall's blog UK

Marc Burden Latitude Photographers UK

Julian McKenny Processional UK

David J Colbran D J C Design UK

Vron Harris Latitude Photographers UK

Martin O'Neill Martin Takes Photos UK

Pete Brook Prison Photography US

Brenda Burrell The Photography Pages UK

Melissa Tritten Cigarettes and Purity US

Robin Whittaker Rob Whittaker Photography UK

Seba Kurtis Seba Kurtis UK

Benjamin Chesterton Duckrabbit UK

Tom Rice-Smyth Tom Rice-Smyth UK

OK that's it then. Cheers to everyone who took part and boo to all those who did'nt! Have a great Christmas and a good New Year. I'll be back 2nd January so until then mingle............

Lesson Learnt Today.

Today I learnt that THE MANCHESTERPHOTOGRAPHY MOBILE will operate in heavy snow as long as you don't want to turn or stop.....

Friday, 18 December 2009

In Amongst This Years Christmas Cards Was This...

Image copyright Mark Page

I don't imagine I'm the only one to get a letter like this, this Christmas. It seemed appropriate to shoot it in Mono. It's all reminding me of the 80's and my Dad getting "laid off" Where's all the DON McPHEE'S when you need them?

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Image copyright Mark Page

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Image copyright Mark Page.

Last Chance.

Thanks to all those who have submitted to THIS and last chance to if you've not.I will be slowing down the blog now over the next couple of day's as I get FESTIVE ROGUES GALLERY together to go live at 00:00 Monday (GMT) 21st

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Steve Harrison.

Image copyright Steve Harrison

Thanks to Benjamin for this, and I'm so glad that he pointed this cynical old Git in the direction of The BBC VIEWFINDER photo blog and THIS piece on the work by the late Steve Harrison. The above picture by the way is the one used on the blog and in my mind is neither the strongest or the most Representative of Steve's work. The work can be seen on Steve's Flickr site HERE.
"A KIND OF DIGNITY" is a set of pictures of people living life as best they can. Often pictures of the old or people who are struggling on. Not shot with the usual condescending pity or spite full humour that are the natural tools of photographers approaching this cast of characters.
No, Steve genuinely seemed to have that emotion that photojournalists seem to have no problem projecting onto third world subjects but seldom are able to summon when turning their lenses on the British........ Compassion.

Goodluck Rosie on getting together a book, please let us know if you do....

Eugenie Scrase Is The Winner Of This Years Arty, Saatchi X Factor!

Pictures courtesy BBC
And so the posh pretty girl WON. Never saw that coming. "But I'm only twenty" gushed Urinal or Eugenie Scrase or what ever the fuck she was called. Her work, a log on a fence removed and taken into a gallery. I wonder how many photographers must have walked past that scene and gone na that's way too cheesey? But heyho the Simon Cowell of Art liked it.......

Monday, 14 December 2009

Masashi Asada.

Images copyright Masahi Asada

Family photography with a difference from Japan. Masashi Asada creates tableaux using his Mother, Father and Brother to act out different scenario's from Japanese life. Now having recently just undertaken a recent Christmas Markets shopping trip with my family (like herding cats) my respect for him and his work is huge. His website is HERE but it's crap. You are best off going HERE and scrolling through the images.

Pop Will, Sorry Has Eat It's Self.

That's what the 80's/90's bands name PWEI prophesied. and last night that may have come true. Paul McCartney appearing on last nights X FACTOR may well have been the moment that Pop/Rock came full circle. THE BEATLES were great for amongst other things moving music away from mere light entertainment to something different something a bit more important. Last night it went back to how it was BB (before BEATLES)

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Did You Know?

Image copyright Shawn Records.

I don't care that I'm 42 THIS film looks bloody great and I can't wait to see it. You know the cool kiddie in the film, Max Records? Did you now his dad is a bloody good photographer and also writes the blog 40 watt.

Oh yes stick with MANCHESTERPHOTOGRAPHY for all the showbiz news......

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Hello Nice And To Meet You......

I am doing a talk at Urbis tonight as part of the course that's been run there over the last few weeks THE PHOTOGRAPH AS CONTEMPORARY ART. so a big hello to those people who have to put up with me droning on. Please feel free to tell me to shut the f##k up if I a boring you....

New Cliches of Photography #18

Girls & beds, messed & distressed.....

Ying & Yang Is........

Loosing your job at URBIS and getting your book stocked at IMPRESSIONS all in one day.......

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

We English, speak for yourself.

Copyright Simon Roberts?
Copyright Peter Bialorzeski

I've never got what all the fuss is about when it comes to we English by Simon Roberts. Starting with the title, it makes no sense. The work is clearly only about one very slender section of English life. Leisure, and a very slender section of leisure at that. It should be called 'These are the leisure pastimes of the readers of The Daily Mail with one picture of pissed scousers some, Blackpool shots and a picture of some Maccum footie fans thrown in to represent the North and non Mail reading English folk'. Although granted that's not such a catchy title but it is more accurate. No signs of Multiculturalism or Diversity in Roberts England. Us English are apparently forever condemned to live in the home counties in 1955 with just the odd trip to 'The Lakes'. It received Arts Council money, I hope The National Trust have put their hands in their pockets, it sure looks like one of their ads.

I can hear people saying jeez why the spleen over poor Roberts. I don't normally get stuck into other photographers that's true (OK the cliches bit I mean besides that) but if public money is going into a series/book/career then I reckon they should be accountable. And besides fellow Manc bloggers BLACKLAB posted
THIS . Too much coincidence for my liking. There's an interesting interview with Peter Bialobrzeski HERE. Be sure to read the first question.

Word Up.......

Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery

'Will You Clock Me Out?'
Kate Furnell

Will You Clock Me Out? questions the idea that people can never live through experiences of the past and that memories can often be left behind. The project is very personal to the artist as she uses a mixed media approach to discover secrets and stories, from both her mother and fathers past, looking closely at her hometown of Blackburn, Lancashire. Although Kate has a predominately photographic background, Will You Clock Me Out? experiments with both photographs and audio in order to portray two contrasting point of view: that of both hers and her parents, along with the stories of the past and the visions of today.

Please have a look at the text/photo version of the project here:

I'm A Photographer!

Image copyright Martin O'Neill
Martin O'Neill my mate and 'jobbing photographer' (his words not mine. I'd prefer The photographer who helped to make one of the coolest bands of all time iconic) anyway he's joined us in bloggyland. HERE.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Alexander Binder.

Images copyright Alexander Binder
What do you get if a photographer is born on Halloween and raised in the land of dark European fairy tales, The Black Forest? Bloody scary dark stuff that's what. More from Alexander Binder (keep the lights on when viewing)