Friday, 18 December 2009

In Amongst This Years Christmas Cards Was This...

Image copyright Mark Page

I don't imagine I'm the only one to get a letter like this, this Christmas. It seemed appropriate to shoot it in Mono. It's all reminding me of the 80's and my Dad getting "laid off" Where's all the DON McPHEE'S when you need them?


  1. Real sorry to see that bro! But confident that you'll work something out. You know I'm no expert, but I found Don McPhee's photos inspiring!

  2. Spend that redundancy dosh...Get to Borders rapido!

    Seriously, sorry about that and hope you find something soon...tho I wouldn't recommend freelance's on its arse!

    Bah, humbug !

  3. bastards! peace and godwill my arse.

  4. Some people have no sense of decency, lay off's before christmas is def bad karma.

    Head up mate

  5. Thanks to you all for words of encouragement. This has all come about due to a greedy Manchester city Labour Council. Corrupt and dishonourable, self serving and cynical. Small minded and ill educated. Richard Leese is corrupt and stupid and to much of a coward to face the music.

  6. Mark, there's a job going at Eastlands now !!

  7. sorry mate but there is always something better around the corner and use the pice of paper for what it should be bog roll...

  8. What's the 'consultation' about? Really sorry to hear this, but you were wasted there anyway. Time to join forces with BlackLab, we'll take you if you'll take us. Mishka
