Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Eugenie Scrase Is The Winner Of This Years Arty, Saatchi X Factor!

Pictures courtesy BBC
And so the posh pretty girl WON. Never saw that coming. "But I'm only twenty" gushed Urinal or Eugenie Scrase or what ever the fuck she was called. Her work, a log on a fence removed and taken into a gallery. I wonder how many photographers must have walked past that scene and gone na that's way too cheesey? But heyho the Simon Cowell of Art liked it.......


  1. it is a mind blowing log though isn't it

  2. 'ere isn't that Saatchi fella married to that Nigella woman off the box?

    'ere doesn't that Saatchi fella look just like that Nigella's dad?

    He was an enemy of the people as well.

  3. Andy
    I bet there was some shit talkd about that bit of tree.

    Thatcherite cunt I believe.

  4. I think the work is a bit wooden!

  5. "a mind-blowing genius idea" seems to be the concensus then.

    My favourite bit of this story is on the BBC's page you're linking to (top right in SEE ALSO). It simply says:

    > Saatchi says 'don't be an artist'
    17 Nov 09 | Arts & Culture

    How mind-blowing a genius idea is THAT?!

  6. And he seems to be encouraging that idea with the shit he picks.....

  7. Harvey,
    trouble with conceptual Art is you can fence yourself in.
