It's thought that more people have had a good curry in Rusholme than give a fuck about art...
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
The Black n White Issue.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Christmas Photographic Zen.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas, I'm just preceding all posts for the next couple of days with the word Christmas.
I found this a while back and it's fascinating, watching the way Daido Moriyama works. There's no sound to the clip which at first annoyed me but after watching it a couple of times I think adds to it. I've seen many a film of other well known for want of a better word "street photographers" work, and with Daido it's just less, I don't no, just less showy. You know all that sticking the camera in peoples faces, off camera great ferckin ring flashes, laser guided camera in bushes malarkey. He is after all in my Gods section which he is no doubt well chuffed about.
Christmassy Goodies

It's become a bit of a Christmas tradition for me the last couple of years, buying myself a couple of photobooks. This year it was "When It Changed" by Joel Sternfeld and "The Day-To-Day Life Of Albert Hastings" by KayLynn Deveney Both top books from different ends of the scale. Great big issues of world importance through to small moments that make an individual life.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Goodwill To All Men.
But that's over now so listen up. This fella is beginning to piss me off it was one of the first photography blogs I read. It's been around since the the begiining of the known blogging world......... about ten fuckin minits. But already it's become some kind of establishment as far as (western) photography is concerned. Oh God if there's one thing that Mancs hate it's establishment, always been a trouble causing bunch. So anyway a little bit like the Queens speech and the "alternative" message
- 10x8 Banal photo's that look like they were shot by Alec Soth's younger less talented brother (or sister)
- Found photo's passed off as original art work.
- Blogger's that voice opinions, but dismiss those of anyone else.
- Crap photography books published because some photographers names will sell any old shit.
- Shit photography posing as art.
- Bad typologies posing as something else.
- Photo bloggers who are arrogant enough to think that their opinion written over a couple of paragraphs is as relevant as anything written by Roland Barthes, John Szarkowski, Walter Benjamin.
- Photo blogger's who can't even be arsed doing a top 10 of things they hate.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Head Of A Man (With Red Eyes) 1938 by L.S Lowry

It's one of my favourite painting's by Lowry. You can keep your Mona Lisa, if you want enigmatic, you'd be hard pressed to find a better portrait. And talk about intense, this picture is straight from the bowls of Lowry's darkside. Darkside the affable Mr Lowry? Yeah them matchstick men and matchstick cats and dogs were the public face.
`I can't do a cat yet. The only way I can do a cat is by doing a very bad dog and then in a way decapitating it and it becomes a cat' - L.S. Lowry.
"Man With Red Eyes" is often thought to be a self portrait although Lowry himself described it as an imaginary portrait. It was painted around the time of his all controlling mothers death, there is some confusion as to whether it was painted before or after. Lowry also described it as a "Way of letting off steam"
Why am I telling you all this? Well having recently been to The Lowry centre to see Jem Southem's brilliant new work there it's re-ignited an almost life long fascination I've had with both Lowry the man, and Lowry the painting's. Which goes to show you what a great job Mr Southem has done.
I have also decided that after almost two years of blogging I needed a "profile head" and as often this blog is my way of letting off steam and the fact that there's many a morning when I look and feel like this, I thought yep, that's the head for me.............
I will no doubt be posting about Lowry again February time when the professional art critic and fulltime "dick" Brian Sewell has finished his reputation assignation attempt on old L.S.
although Lowry's got Howard Jacobson fighting his corner so he's in good hands!
Lovely though it is, to think this is all that Lowry is about is to miss so much.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Funny As F##k Friday
There was a time when Christmas wasn't Christmas without Morecambe & Wise!
Tram Heads.
Over the Christmas period "Tram Heads" is going to have to take a back seat. (pun intended)
Jim Turbert
Face of Terror.......

Thursday, 18 December 2008
Marcus Doyle.

Have been meaning to post about Marcus Doyle's stunning urban landscapes for a while. I hope he's got a publisher lined up as they'd make a fantastic book. He also blogs under the title of B-mode
Second Time in Two Days and Again Posting About Pigs.
The bubble in contemporary art is about to pop, blah blah blah
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD TO ROCK n ROLL. old English proverb.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Vermeer'esque lighting..........

Monday, 15 December 2008
Sad Loss of A Northern Icon.
Jem Southam "Clouds Descending" @ The Lowry
Two great photography exhibitions on at The Lowry at the same time, brilliant! This one "Clouds Descending" was especially commissioned for the gallery. The Lowry are good at this, using the work of L.S as a springboard for creating new work by artists. This time it was a chance for arguably the UK's leading landscape photographer Jem Southam to respond to the work of Mr Lowry.
I think it's fairly well known that when Lowry wasn't creating his painting's of Manchester/Salford streets he was to be found making some of the Twentieth century's greatest seascapes. To choose Southem to retrace Lowry's steps and create new work is a stroke of genius. Southem is renowned for choosing dull overcast light with which to make his work and this fits so nicely with the Lowry paintings that are displayed alongside Southams large format pictures. His placing of the horizon near to centre is also a nice tribute to Lowry.
The show is on until 22 March and I recommend you go see, It's the show area's photography show of the year for me.
PS here's an interview with Southam:
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Justin Partyka
I first saw Justin's work way back in Source Magazine winter 2004 I've been an admirer of his series "The East Anglians" since then. I've been meaning to blog about him for a while, but if I remember right he didn't have a website. Well he has now and here it is This is a fantastic bit of Documentary work.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Funny As F##k Friday - late again.......
No introduction needed for this one! God those old "Thames" themes take me back.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
1000 words.
Joy of Joy (and with this clip) King of Kings! new edition of the online brilliantness that is "1000 Words Photography". This "Boxcar willy" ( I blasphemer) clip found on their blog:
Fresh Milk.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008
"If There Were A Little More Silence" Online group show by Women in Photography.
I'm not sure that I understand or agree with a site just dedicated to women photographers, It just seems well a little redundant. I don't know that women are particularly under represented in photography and the arts, or not taken seriously in the art world, or maybe I'm wrong. I'll tell who should band together, old gits like me. We could form the "not yet emerged and getting way too close to our sell by dates at 40 to ever emerge now people in photography" group. Until that glorious day comrade, I'll leave you with some fantastic images from Women In Photography.

Daniel & Geo Fuchs
Using oversized portraits of toy figures, including those of celebrities like the one of Andy Warhol above, to look at issues of amongst other things self promotion.That's partly what Daniel & Geo Fuchs are doing in their series "Toygiants" and here for their homepage
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
I Am Your Autopilot
I've got a feeling in my water about this lot. Interesting music great video's a desire to collaborate with artists from other disciplines, great stuff. I Am Your Autopilot are a band to keep your eye on. Here in Manchester we often talk about how creative we are as we sit around on the piss in Northern Quarter bars, but every now and again something really creative does indeed come through. Their debut album is now on iTunes called "Robots In The Orchestra" and here for samples on myspace
Monday, 8 December 2008
Alphabet Trucks by Eric Tabuchi.

Cities On The Edge.
"Cities On The Edge" is an exhibition which is currently on at Contemporary Urban Centre (CUC), 41 - 45 Greenland Street, Liverpool L1 0BS until 18th December.
It is curated by and features work by British landscape photographer John Davies. It looks in part at relationships between Liverpool and five other European port cities, and also features the work of Gabriele Basilico, Ali Taptik, Philippe Conti, Wojtek Wilczyk and Sandy Volz . Here for the website:
Friday, 5 December 2008
At Last.

Thursday, 4 December 2008
Call For Submissions?
"Gallery is calling for submissions for its continuing artistic programme based in the visual media. Proposals will be considered without restriction. The University are looking to potentially fill a fractional 0.4 post. Submit a personal project of themed images designed as a precursor to the Final Show project. Academics who might be interested should the approval be granted. They seek a photographer. What?
Is it me or is a lot of art talk and "calls" like Stanley Unwin?
Jean-Christian Bourcart.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Fowl Camera Equipment.
Chicken head camera stabilizer
Thanks to Martin O'Neill for this. Check out some of the folks Martin's photographed, you may recognise some of them!!.htm
David White In The Footsteps Of Robert Howlett (almost)

A presentation about the work here:
More about the project here:
And David's website here:
Found thanks to Benjamin of Duckrabbit here:
"Reality Hack" by Andrew Paul Brooks.


Photo Opportunity So To Speak...

Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Osama Esid

Lets All Laugh At City!
It hardly surprises me though. When was it that they became para- military? Why do they need to dress like they are about to take out terrorists in Mumbai when in reality they are dealing with a piss head in a wetherspoons? It's this ridiculas machismo culture that they seem to harbour that helps to make them so obnoxious......................
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Friday, 28 November 2008
BBC Build.
The new home for large chunks of the BBC is now coming on in leaps and bounds! Under leaden Salford sky's. Is that a Smiths lyric? if not it should have been......
Ward Roberts