Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Image copyright Mark Page
I'm not a religious man, I don't think I'm sentimental or superstitious. I also like to think that I'm not easily shocked, but this really stuck in my throat. Barton Cemetery.


  1. Hi Mark,

    thought you might like this:


    Which ran following an interview David did on the Today programme last Saturday.

    Seems to me the kind of project you might appreciate. I say that cause its NUTS.

    All the best

    Benjamin (duckrabbit)

  2. Cheers, I saw it on David's site. I'll take a closer look,

  3. It being Eccles I'm amazed they could spell it...

  4. Well they did give up with the word You!

  5. Ha..yes they did!

    By the way, I was born and bred in Eccles and even I can't stand it there anymore!!

  6. I can see where you're coming from, no pun intended, but the place has a certain interest and a strange kind of charm for me. There are places like lovely Eccles up and down this great nation of our's believe me I've lived in many of them, and sadly they are representative of much of our nations woe's.
