Wednesday, 10 December 2008

"If There Were A Little More Silence" Online group show by Women in Photography.

Image copyright Michele Abeles

I'm not sure that I understand or agree with a site just dedicated to women photographers, It just seems well a little redundant. I don't know that women are particularly under represented in photography and the arts, or not taken seriously in the art world, or maybe I'm wrong. I'll tell who should band together, old gits like me. We could form the "not yet emerged and getting way too close to our sell by dates at 40 to ever emerge now people in photography" group. Until that glorious day comrade, I'll leave you with some fantastic images from Women In Photography.


  1. They definitely outlive us, and outnumber us; but if I remember my Guerilla Girls lit from way back in the...'80s, women are, in fact, under represented in the arts.

    And now that I've dated myself, sign me up for the Expiration Crew! Let's show 'em what our shelf life is really like. We can start with an online group show for those 40 and over without major gallery representation and take it from there- and god help us once we gain momentum on that downward slope. Let's show 'em what years of accumulated preservatives and toxicity can really do!

  2. Stan,
    Nice idea, lets get this going! Email me at and we can discuss.........
