Sunday, 2 March 2008

Liang Yue

Image copyright Liang Yue
I wrote here that I was getting a little tied of seeing work by British and western photographers photographing China. So I thought that over the next few post's I would look at some work by Chinese photographers photographing China, as for me this makes more sense.

And as this is a blog about photography & Manchester, and we have the largest China town in The UK I think it fits our remit perfectly. First off Liang Yue.

Like the hoards of western photographers that currently flock to China, Liang Yue’s work revolves around the rapid changes in China. Her Morse Code work looks at the social issues conceptually. The images are made after one of Beijing sand storms, which covered the entire city in a yellow dust. She then went to various locations with a torch at dusk, attempting to mark and record that indefinable moment between day and night, using it as metaphor for the changing social, and psychical landscape. See here:

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