Thursday, 29 January 2015

It's Competition Time !

This just in from Manchester Uni....

The Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI)
  Call for Entries
  The Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) Photography Competition 2015 is a juried competition that invites submissions from students, academics and members of the general public. Entrants are asked to submit (a maximum of three) images that depicts the social organisation of ordinary and habitual everyday practices in which consumption takes place and how they relate to  changing infrastructures, policy and power.
All shortlisted entrants will have their work mounted and displayed in the offices of the Sustainable Consumption Institute. Both the winner and runners-up will receive a cash prize (1st prize £100; 2nd prize £50, 3rd prize £50 plus 2 x runner ups @ £25 each) and also feature on the SCI website.
The competition begins on the 1st February and closes for entries 1st April 2015
To upload your image(s) please click on the link below:
Please find attached a flyer giving more details of the competition which can be printed and placed on noticeboards within your area.
Susan Hogan| Institute Manager | Sustainable Consumption Institute | School of Social Sciences   |  Faculty of Humanities  |  188 Waterloo Place, Oxford Road|  The University of Manchester, UK M13 9PL  |  Tel : (0044) (0) 161 275 4030
For the latest news on SCI activities visit our website at

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