Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Robert Longo.

I've not posted for a while. I've been busy doing my own stuff. It's all well and good pointing out the work of others but at the end of the day? So I've decided the blog can take a back seat again. Who reads blogs anymore anyway? There's a good strong list to the right of loads of good photographers. I reckon it may even be the most comprehensive in photo blog land, and I'll keep updating that. When I have something to say or something grabs my eye I'll post it up. Which brings me to the work of Robert Longo.  He's not a photographer, I bet you thought these two images were photo's? I bet you had heard of him? I hadn't, I can't believe why not. I bet there's people going " I can't believe you've not heard of him OMG like he's really famous man" (that's me trying to be an American) and Robert Longo is a very American artist. You can hear an interview with him HERE (if you can stand it coz he does comes over as a bit of a dick, I'm sure he's no more of a dick than most successful artists but still) As photographers we should all love this artist, he makes work about photographs, his drawings/paintings are inspired by photographs.I think that's fucking bonkers. Artists are so full of shit, listen to him try and justify the fact that he can make drawings that look just like photo's....
he's a good draughtsman. I'd like him to make a picture of my pet cat. I'd then get it printed big like on canvas and hang it above the telly....

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