Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Ciaran Og Arnold

I love this picture it blew me away when I saw it in SOURCE GRADUATE PHOTOGRAPHY. It's the single most memorable image I've seen in a while. I think I will remember it for a long time and also remember who it's by. I think as visual artists that's the best we can hope for.
I've been a fan of Ciaran's work since I first saw it back in SOURCE in 2007. With this latest series 'No Day or Night' he's took it up a notch. They are photographs of the inhabitants of a town, we are not told where or when. Like my favourite stuff from Japan or Denmark, existential documentary could that be a genre? HERE for more.
You will notice that the link takes you to a site called FINDING FRAGMENTS well worth a look round in it's own right. Work made by photographers who studied under such luminaries as Paul Seawright and Donovan Wylie.

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