Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Shouldn't really laugh but

 I know it's winding Aline Smithson from the very brilliant LENSCRATCH blog up and Aline I can understand your anger, it just appeals to my sense of the ridiculous. Whats happening is some fella from Poland is lifting Aline's posts and passing them off as his own.....including the post telling everyone! You've got to hand it to Pawel Filas from a blog called MIND-MAG.
Any road up here's our PAWEL FILAS the pirate, Johnny Depp he ain't. I understand him having to lift work from other blogs as he has to spend his time sticking bits of wire to bits of apple peel and that shit takes time HERE

copyright Mark Page 2012 (now it is)
Anyway in the spirit of the appropriation art of Pawel Filas here's a piece I made earlier. 
Why am I sticking my nose in? Oh you know me....... 


  1. Wow! A pirate and an artiste! A true 21st century Renaissance man...

  2. Very funny. Good Luck - Pawel Filas
