Tuesday, 1 February 2011

I was thinking of making some kind of work out of rejection letters from all the submissions, competition entries, exhibition proposals etc. But then I remembered that the arrogant bastards never write back to you anyway.


  1. Hi Mark,

    I've never experienced this, at least not in photography yet, but I understand perfectly your feeling.

    You made me laugh :-)

  2. I've grown a thick skin now but it hurt in the early days.

  3. What bothers me the most here is the money and time spent on all these things and you end up thinking why bother. Then some cocky twatt starts mouthing off at how much money he's made from competitions and grants (I refer to an article in the BJP).
    Experience has taught me that its never that straight forward and there is often some favour, or friend of a friend involved, or some other hidden agenda somewhere in the selection process.

    I'm not bitter, just right..

  4. Lets have a big boycott! I've noticed as well that since the downturn submission fees have gone from $15 to $35 in lot's of cases. What the fuck is all that about?

  5. Best one I ever got was that my slides and other assorted submission materials had been thrown out with the recycling...

  6. At least they wrote to you! Not a sausage that's what I get not a bloody sausage.......
