Friday, 13 August 2010

Mr Yoshi

Image copyright Mr Yoshi

The film Trainspotting was the starting point for Mr Yoshi's series on the Muirhouse estate Edinburgh, called Plastic Spoon. The American photographer Yoshi Kametani has spent four years exploring the scene that had inspired the film. 'Smack' and the deprivation that follows in it's wake, has to be one of the most photographed subjects in the history of photography but I do like the way that what could be thought of as a tired subject has been handled. There really are some very strong images here. I also like the sub plots that are within the larger project like the one that the above image is from, Flat 15. The work is heading to book form and I think if it's put together well which I suspect it will be, it may be something a bit special and may say as much about photography's power to document as it does about life on one of Britain's many 'sink' estates. Read more about the work HERE.

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