Friday, 30 July 2010

I'm Yosser Hughes....

Not posted for a while been up to my eyeballs in trying to find a job. My contract at the ART GALLERY comes to an end at the end of August and they can't afford to keep me on. No money see. The councils spent it all on football museums and paying to relocate bigwigs from Preston to come and run it. So I'm back in the job market, applying for jobs and getting less and less fussy as the weeks go by. Filling in endless application forms in a million different formats, online offline off kilter off their fucking heads with the stuff they ask you to fill in, for what boils down to a barely above minimum wage job. I swear to god. And after you've told them in three different variations what a great "team player" you will be and how you can "manage your own time" and how ever since you were a cheeky wink in yer dads eye you've wanted to sell GAS boiler maintenance plans or debt solutions to some other poor unsuspecting numpty you get told you are not what they are looking for. No they were after a Nazi camp guard crossed with a fuck wit who will take it up the shitter for 14k plus staff benefits. No more application forms, no more CV bollocks...They can ring me and I'll tell them why they are fucking lucky to have me work for them, the soulless cock sucking plebs.
Mind you when it comes to job hunting writing shit like this on the Internet probably doesn't help.......

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