Friday, 5 March 2010

Fake shops

Obviously THIS would fool me like it has the clampit in the picture but would it fool business leaders? Surely that should be the question.
Why not just invite 'not for profit' organisations to come up with uses for them and reduce the rates for everyone else? Although of course fakey shops is also an idea.


  1. I was in Whitley Bay last week and let me tell you its no place for a Deli..

  2. Northern Seaside towns should Fish'n chips, not Tuna On Rye...And a Cappuccino..

  3. They did something like this in New York City in the early 1980s. There were so many abandoned apartment buildings in some areas of the Bronx (and even in my area of Brooklyn). The city covered the empty windows with sheets of metal, and on the sheets of metal were decals of drawn curtains and flower pots. Needless to say it looked a little ridiculous.

  4. We get the metal sheets on old buildings here but no painted curtains. I kinda like the painting idea.
