Monday, 15 February 2010

What Is England ?

England has finally overtaken China as the place for English photographers to photograph. Every one's at it, as alluded to by Marcus HERE. Stuart Pilkington's taken the curator route to explore this sceptic Isle. He's drawn together 50 photographers, given them a county each and four loose topics in order to come up with a portrait of this land. He's done it before with America, roping in some stateside golden guys & gals of the photography world for that outing. HERE for that. So how will the England version pan out? Find out by following the progress HERE.


  1. Thanks for the plug.
    I am hoping I have my first image for the 'person' category for 'What is England' after being up in Cumbria. Its turning into a really interesting assignment with a bit of competition for me as I am up against two photographers from my agency..
    Bring it on I say..
