Monday, 7 December 2009

One of the most frustrating but ultimately rewarding parts of this photography lark is coming up with new ideas. I can see a couple of projects I've been working on for a while now coming to completion and at that point I always start to worry about not getting any inspiration or ideas for the next series and if you like getting stuck. I always end up worrying and straining and straining and worrying. In the end I find that if you just relax nature will take it's course and it'll happen.
Wish I could think of a metaphor for this......


  1. Bloody ell! great minds and all that. Actually it was you that acted like "SYRUP OF FIGS" and got me moving again.It was while I was trying to second guess your new project that a couple popped into my head.And of course you pointed me in the direction of SEMI'S which has has been shown once in a group show and is due to go to Rotterdam next year. So from now on I shall always think of you as Marcus 'Branflakes' Doyle
