Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Jennifer Ray.

Image copyright Jennifer Ray.

I've never been to the Amazon, probably never will, so I doubt I'll ever experience feelings on seeing great swathes of rainforest chopped and burned and stand there with tears in my eyes as the smoke chokes me. Manatees have still not returned to the murky waters of The River Irwell despite the best efforts of United Utilities, so the gut wrenching knowledge that I am watching perhaps the last one basking in the Autumn dusk of Trafford Wharf is something I need not fear. No I get my little bits of Eden in the green pockets in and around GM. And I get upset at mans disrespect and impact on these little idylls, by the fucking filth he leaves behind. Old cloths, used johnnies the odd shit..... Jennifer Ray's series "Go Deep Into The Woods"may not be about this, but that's what I take from the work, perhaps an unintended subplot? Still the ability to imbue images with different meanings for different viewers is a strength in a work of Art.

Found via the latest edition of Fraction Mag

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