Friday, 31 July 2009

Salford ? Camera ?

Image copyright Mark Page

Picture taken in Salford within a mile of the Bargin Booze picture shown a couple of posts down. Which is the real Salford? either, neither or something in between?

Oh and guess the camera that this was taken with and receive a big bear kiss like the one below. It's not a Holga or a Diane by the way........


  1. Ensign selfix with 6x6 frame? (be amazed if thats right) but amazed equally if you could manage to smuggle a bear into N.I.

  2. No but almost as random. Clue 1961 takes 6x6 & 4x4 the above picture being 6x6. By the way Andy when you getting the blog up and running?

  3. i dont have a clue what it could be, 4x4 eh? hmm was it some sort of minolta?

    blog is up and running mate,

    maybe its not set as my main blog il have a look, but thats the URL for it.

    cheers for the interest!

  4. No not a Rolli or a Minolta, Last clue then I will reveal over weekend. It was "EMPIRE MADE" which I believe was Hong Kong and oddly has a Brown leather case of far more quality than the camera itself! The case is Made in Germany. It has 3 apertures 8, 11 & 16 but only one speed 1/50....

  5. The only other thing i can think of is possibly a Halina of some sort, my knowledge of chinese cameras is limited to say the least!

  6. Well done Andy you got it! Yes it's a Halina 64! And my current camera of choice for two ongoing projects......

  7. haha, thats fairly random. Is it in good condition? it captures a nice light regardless!

  8. Yeah it's still good, I even have a little flash bulb gun for it. It was my first camera given to me as a child by my Nan. So special.
    The two projects I'm using it on are in a way about memory and sentiment hence it's new lease of life, it seem to fit. Well guessed by the way!

  9. yea it definatly ands sentimental value
