Monday, 1 June 2009

Stuart Griffiths: Isolation

Image copyright Stuart Griffiths
Friend of Manchester Photography, acclaimed Manc born photographer and ex-squaddie Stuart Griffiths has had a documentary made about his long term work and the issues that inform it, namely the plight of ex-service men and their often difficult return to "civvy street". The projects undertaken by Stuart are a perfect example of "The photographic lifestyle" that was mentioned here
and a good example of the best work coming from personnel experience.
The film ISOLATION by Luke Seomore & Joseph Bull is to be screened at this years Edinburgh International Film Festival details and a trailer can be found here.

PS.Lets continue to bear in mind the lack of support upon return, the shoddy living conditions, the lack of battle equipment and the expenses of the MP's who continue to send them to war.................

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