Monday, 29 June 2009

Christina Seely & The LUX Project Are Coming To Town.

I was contacted a couple of weeks ago by Christina Seely. She introduced herself and her long term project LUX. She's coming to Manchester in August to add us to the work. She was after some contacts here, a bit of company during the long exposures and a bit of local knowledge. Gill Moore stepped up and is going to act as Christina's guide and possible Sherpa during the expedition to..... well where? a good location to view the city from, any suggestions? I was thinking from Salford towards town either Oldfield Road or perhaps my current stomping ground Pomona. She wants some nature in the foreground so if anybody has any better ideas let me know and I'll forward your suggestions on to Christina.It looks like an interesting and mammoth project and I'm glad the bright lights of Manchester are being included.

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