Sunday, 3 May 2009

(Re)Presenting Poverty.

Manchester based photographer Mishka Henner is part of:
(Re)presenting Poverty, a major new exhibition which sets out to explore different notions, representations and manifestations of 'poverty' within a global context. The exhibition features newly commissioned work in film and photography by five artists who examine poverty in its many guises. The participating artists are: Jessica Dimmock (New York), Mishka Henner (London), Sharron Lovell (Shanghai), Subhash Sharma (Mumbai) and Ali Taptik (Istabul). Presenting contrasting styles and approaches to their 'subject', the artists reveal hidden and untold stories of communities and individuals in contrasting geographical, social and cultural contexts, where the issue of poverty is often underwritten by politics of class, race and migration. Mindful of issues of voyeurism, objectification and condescension, the exhibition and related events series aim to challenge thinking and encourage debate about the conventional modes and mechanisms through which poverty is often represented and understood.

Mishka's work for the project can be see here: It will be on show at The London School of Economics with an opening night on te 6th May. He will also be talking about the work HERE & HERE.

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