Tom, We had an exhibition at the gallery I work at a couple of years ago which featured Art from Hong Kong, some tip top stuff. Anyway one Artist (sorry the name slips me) who looked at the tourist painters of HK. These folk churn out albeit with plenty of technical skill paintings that are then sold to the tourists.Thats what these young photographers whose work I'm picking on are doing, nothing more nothing less. They are cynically turning out what the big US galleries are showing/selling. What a waste of fucking time.......
nice one
ReplyDeleteWe had an exhibition at the gallery I work at a couple of years ago which featured Art from Hong Kong, some tip top stuff. Anyway one Artist (sorry the name slips me) who looked at the tourist painters of HK. These folk churn out albeit with plenty of technical skill paintings that are then sold to the tourists.Thats what these young photographers whose work I'm picking on are doing, nothing more nothing less. They are cynically turning out what the big US galleries are showing/selling. What a waste of fucking time.......