There I am. That's me on Google Street View. You can see where I was here: <http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=langworthy+road+south+salford&sll=53.48302,-2.287271&sspn=0.000604,0.001202&ie=UTF8&ll=53.480691,-2.295842&spn=0.009666,0.019226&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=53.480661,-2.295662&panoid=aHZ7Vzd9MiTx451INBcf4g&cbp=12,164.2969193811744,,1,4.999999999999999> Not too sure where the front of my face is but it's definitely me. I was at the tram stop on Langworthy Road, Salford, late last summer. I remembered the funny little Google car go past, I paid it only scant regard at the time.
I spent a half an hour looking for myself, and was so happy when I found me. The only reason I found myself was that I can remember where I was when that little car went past. I couldn't search for myself by name, or location. Even though it was a Chance encounter with myself on Street View people are getting really paranoid about being on Google's new novelty site. "People can see my house and can rob it" well guess what shit for brains they could anyway. It's not just Google though is it? People are so worried about photographs of themselves or their property falling into the wrong hands. That's their public face or their more public property, yet they are Happy to post on Facebook,Twitter or Blogger all kinds of info and personnel pictures. We really are such funny fuckers..............
Looks like I'll still have to refer to the painting.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's with the floating disconnected pole? Looks like a bad photoshop job.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm on the "cusp" of a stitch up.