Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Print Trials

I posted last Monday about The Printspace and the fact that I had sent off for a trial pack (£5.75) which gave samples of the prints that they do. Well it was delivered within a couple of days and I must say that the quality of the prints was really good. The digi C-type on Fuji matt was my particular favourite. The Kodak Metallic was also interesting for certain images/work.

Even though the quality of their inkjets was high comparing them to the C-Types they just looked, well flat. The next step is to send some of my work to them to get printed. I'll let you know how I get on.


  1. Yeah, I've used them too. The metallic makes fab b&w prints, and the duratrans is astounding.

  2. I second your recommendation. I have used them for a few projects and their Fuji matt prints (I went up to 24"x16") were spot-on. Delivery is often next day too.

  3. That's great, then I thought they seemed like a good outfit. Thanks for the recommendations.

  4. Hi everyone,

    I'm from theprintspace, many thanks for your comments - we really love to receive such positive feedback!

    I just wanted to clarify something which you mentioned, Mark, about the quality of inkjets looking flatter than c-types.

    I'm sure you already know this, but just in case some of your readers aren't aware of the differences:
    inkjets always look flatter than c-types because of the different photographic process which is used to produce them. This process allows c-types to have a more 3 dimensional feel, whereas it is not possible with inkjets.

    As I said, I'm sure you're already fully aware of this, but I just wanted to make it clear for any of your readers who might not know.

    Mark: I'm loving the blog, keep up the good work!

    Best regards,
    Geri Tuneva
