Monday, 6 April 2009

Print Trials

Image by Toby Smith and Printed by The Print Space.

I have a photo printer, an Epson R1800. I've had for around four years, a bloody age in this digital age. It's always been reliable, good for proofing and making small work prints for editing. I fancied the new Epson R2880 and I am toying with getting one. You see since Pro2col closed down a couple of years ago I have not found myself a new professional printing service, I've heard that the Epson gives near gallery standard prints so I thought that may be a way forward, at least for some stuff.

Before I rush out and spend the best part of six hundred quid on the Epson, I thought I would try a printers that offer an online service, perhaps getting some of my work printed up as a "Digital C-Type"

I've come across a company called The Print Space. They certainly have a cool website with plenty of guidance and tutorials which even a muppet like me can more or less understand. They offer a range of services at what appear to be competitive prices so I'm going to give them a go. I've just ordered their print sample pack at £5.75 which gives me some prints printed on the various media that that they use. When that arrives I'll try out their C-Types and let you know how I get on. "Now run those profile thingies past me again........."

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