Saturday, 28 February 2009

She's Not An Effing Saint You Know.........

I'm getting sick to the back teeth hearing about Jade fuckin Goody. Before you start telling me I'm mean, that link goes through to one of the UK's main newspapers and she get's all them column inches oh and heres the proud BBC give me a fucking break!

Now for anyone outside Blighty Jade Goody is a moron who appeared on Big Brother, I know that even if you are reading this in Kuala Lumpa you've heard of BB because it's the only thing that the UK's managed to export worldwide of late, makes me damn proud... So this stupid Essex (Essex, gobby like Mancs but without the class) pleb goes on BB and wins coz she's fick and we love a fick bird with big tits in England, and then she makes a perfume and goes back on to celebrity BB, but boo she's racist (youtube have removed video) to another contestant and we hate her then she get's cancer and we love her, and more British soldier's die perhaps their parents could get a magazine deal on the funeral? but she's got the big C don't be awful. Yeah? well ya dance with the fucking Devil............


  1. spot




    we get the media we deserve

  2. No, it's not what we deserve, it's what sells as the media owners only pay for junk news to keep their pockets well-lined. this keeps the PR punks in Prada and why the junk sells. their side call is to keep the masses revolving in such a limited universe as they know nothing else about what's going on in the world.

  3. thank god somebody else said this

    sick to death(no joke intended) of arguing about this effing media whore

  4. Show some respect for the dying..and for her family and friends..Her only mistake was standing up to an arrogant up her own backside, husband stealing idiot, who progressed her acting career, by sleeping with a married man..and who neither knew how to cook a chicken..nor how to dispose of it fgs's..She poisoned everyone the first time she did it and no-one could trust her, nor stomach the thought of a repeated stomach upset, we wont mention either shall we, that she tried to flush the carcass down the toilet! LMAO!..If standing up for yourself, when someone so arrogant tries to belittle you in front of others, makes you rascist..then guess I joined the clan..because I dont like over rated actresses who mess about with married men and seemingly coming out smelling of roses for it..Ohh and incidentally..I'd never heard of Shilpa Shetty b4 Big Brother either! LOL!
